2015年7月29日 星期三



In order to heal you must first stop the trauma. Do you allow others to treat you in ways that are less than you deserve? Do you abuse yourself with your negative self talk or poor boundaries? Dear Ones, loving another should never come at the cost of not loving yourselves. The balance and nurturing you seek comes from loving yourself just as tenderly and unconditionally as you love others. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vs1o.html


Joy and laughter are high vibrating energies that shift you into a higher vibrational space which allows for healing, release and the transmuting of lower vibrational energies. This is why we urge you to start to become joy detectives!


Look for the things that bring you joy in your life. If you aren't quite sure, become a joy detective and discover what does. As you begin to place your focus on finding joy, you will begin to find it, and will start infusing your life with laugher and delight.


As you start to spend more and more time in laughter and delight, you will be shifting not only your own energy, you will be supporting the energy of your environment, the grids, and the planet. You will be consciously setting your internal GPS to the discovery of even more joy in your life and creating endless new possibilities and potentials for your future, as well.


Make no mistake about it. Laughter is a profound and multi-faceted healing tool for your past, present and future. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vs4b.html

