2015年7月27日 星期一



Many sensitive humans find being in certainenergies challenging. Theyfind it difficult to keep their balance while in the presence ofsome people or environments. Let us remind you that you are alwaysin charge of your own energetic state. No one has the power toaffect the way you feel unless you give that power tothem.


So how do you shiftaway from being so affected by those situations? When you show upin your highest alignment and balance, with the intention to be ofloving service, you are emanating your truth and divinity. You donot “pick up” from others when you are shining your light, you see.The candle flame does not catch darkness from the room.


This is not aboutcontrolling how others act, or trying to convince them to see yourpoint of view. This is about being secure in your beingness,bringing your highest vibration to the situation, and allowingothers to decide if they wish to embrace that light or not, knowingwhatever they decide is perfect for them in that right now moment.~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vrv5.html

