2015年7月16日 星期四

觀音 20150713 溫和的轉變


Lovingness, kindness and gentleness give human Beings a new countenance and give the earth a new face.


If you wish to see your exaltedness, so look where you have not looked so far. If you wish to uplift into the Light, then pay your whole attention toward the Light in you, and toward the still existing blockages, which deprive you of your own beauty.


親愛的光之兄弟姐妹們   Beloved Siblings from the Realms of Light!


The gentle release of deeply rooted blockages is the appropriate work of each human child in this time. The Light works and the violet ray of transformation, which I direct to your being, are able to bring to you clarity, self-trust and wisdom.


When I ascended into the Light thousands of years ago, I saw the remaining mankind standing at the abyss and their hopeful prayer for Light and joy, for a life in peace, reached me. I returned from the world of the Light to the world of great shadows and remained on earth until today.


I am amongst you, in order to serve you with my knowledge, with my love and with my wisdom. And I remain among you until the transformation of this mankind has been completed and every human Being has attained perfection.


The Ascended Masters, the ascended ones into the Light, which have preceded you, are like Gods. Our actions are affected by Love and are carried out with compassion.

沒人被拋棄!   Nobody will be abandoned!


We act unconditionally due to our Light and nobody is too small for it, because we know the origin of each entity and we see human Beings as what they are.
Nobody is unworthy in order to return to God and we will not abandon anyone, also if an individual human Being has given up a long time ago.


In God's name we act among you as Ascended Masters of the White Brotherhood and we remain with you until this sacred planet of divine beauty forever uplifts into eternity. Ea​​ch one of the Ascended Masters is represented on earth and our presence is increasingly recognized. Heaven and earth are joined for life; human Beings trust God, and God quenches the spiritual longing of human Beings.


For today's time God, the prime Source of All-That-Is, has transferred to me the task of liberating human souls from blockages and let Love flow to them, until they love self and until they exercise kindness and lovingness toward self. I work through the healing violet ray of transformation. The touch with my Light is gentle, my closeness is experienced in the energy of lovingness, and my Light brings forth the greatest healing power when a human Being devotes to healings full of trust and devotion.


From now on it is essential for the advanced light entities on this earth to consistently maintain the steps in transformation and to continue with them, which contains:

1.)不要中斷     1.) no interruptions

2.)不要害怕     2.) no fear

3.)不要限制     3.) no restrictions

“小錯誤”    „Small Mistakes“


Everything must be put into the Light and very often it is the many small blockages, which make it impossible for you to gain the perspective for reality, for the great whole.The process of uplifting continues independent of the many “disturbance fields” of space -time. It is time that you remain independent and are not influenced by the disturbance fields of this time quality, of the energies, which want to weaken you and want to keep you away from realization.


A new level of protection can be attained in these days and a new level of consciousness, as you willingly, unconditionally and unrestrictedly devote self to God.


In most cases it is not the great issues, which are still waiting for redemption, instead, the light messengers of this time have reached a level, wherein the “great issues” have been worked through for the most part and have been released into the Light. Today existing blockages still emanate from the fact that many small mistakes, inconspicuous belief patterns and unasked taken-on behavior patterns have a negative effect on an entity. The “spiritual zest” is halted subtly and unnoticed and these human Beings ask themselves: “What happens, because nothing happens?”


It is necessary to pay undivided attention to still unredeemed issues, which are regarded as negligible, to look at them and call on the sacred Light of transformation. Today each human Being should devote full of commitment to the task of uncovering one's essence, and can also do it, because whoever aims wholeheartedly for it, for him conditions will be manifested, to be able to also do this!


Thereby the world of outer appearances changes and you begin to look at the course of time with the eyes of an awakened one, which means: To look at your reflections without being reflected.

進入   Come in


Far from individual dramas the gentle transformation of an entity may occur today. ​​As you have chosen it for yourself, it will be given, as you do not pay enough attention to your small issues, they become greater and greater until they seem overwhelming. What can easily be handled in the small becomes an insurmountable hindrance, as it has fully grown.


Think about it, it is a timely offer! Why suffer or carry heavy loads, if it is given to you from God's abundance, when we carry you and when you can heal everything and you can perfect yourself?

一切都放入了你的心   Everything is put into your heart.


You were born into this world in perfection and you will leave this world in perfection at our side, the Ascended Masters, the White Brotherhood and all entities from this universe, which have attained enlightenment.



The open ear for mankind, the open door for human souls and the open heart for you: Come in.

我是觀音   I am LADY KWAN YIN


通靈:Jahn J Kassl   翻譯:Nick Chan

