2015年7月15日 星期三



We invite you to think of how wonderful it is when you receive a delightful surprise. The unexpected nature of it makes you feel loved, happy, and cared about, does it not? The fact that you couldn 't imagine it beforehand makes it all the more special.


We encourage you to open yourselves up to great unknown potentials. When you are too specific about your expectations, you can, without even realizing it, limit what the universe can deliver! By staying open to all the expansive and loving offerings of the universe, you make room for so much more to come to you, with far greater ease. Allow the universe to surprise and delight you! ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vqsy.html


The day you were taught that magic didn 't exist and things were “just your imagination” was a sad day, indeed. For with the loss of those two things you lost your sense of wonder for the world, and moved into constraint and self doubt. It, in effect, taught you to dismiss the Now and the appreciation and endless possibilities that exist from there. This, for many of you, was when you started to dismiss your inner child and your inner knowingness, which created a deep separation within yourself.


But it is not too late! You are now your own loving parent, and that part of you is still there, waiting to be recognized and honoured and invited to play. Bring that inner child to the forefront and allow him or her to bring the delight back to your Now, to see the world through the eyes of innocence and potential! It will not only make your world filled with magic and wonder again, it will be integrating yourself back into wholeness, lightness, fun and joy. It is the ultimate act of self love to recognize, honour, nurture, and reintegrate all parts of yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vqw4.html

