2016年8月31日 星期三



Many of you are confused about how you can have certain things in your lives be predestined and yet we encourage you to be empowered co-creators. How can that be? Before you come into the body you select many major events or themes you wish to experience. These would include choosing who your parents are, who you wish to have important relationships with, where you will live, your natural talents, interests, and traits, and certain areas you wish to gain a deeper experience and mastery of.


Think of it like having certain presets, or a template that holds certain key elements. Everything else is fully customizable! You can add to it in whatever interesting and delightful ways you like.

這是你的人生,親愛的。即使你有特定的事物在你的待 ​​辦事項上,其他都是完全取決於你的。你可以讓它變得和你一樣地輝煌與獨特,如果你厭倦了這麼看,你可以轉變來更好地符合你的偏好。這是擴張和創造的喜悅所在 ---潛能和可能性是無限的,你可以自由表達自己,因為重要的元素已經被你自己照料好了。~大天使加百利

That is your life, Dear Ones. Even though you have certain things on your to-do list, everything else is completely up to you. You get to make it as fabulous and unique as you are, and if you get tired of it looking one way, you can absolutely switch it up to better match your preferences. That is the joy of expansion and creation – the potentials and possibilities are endless, and you are free to express yourself however you like because the major elements have already been taken care of by you. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯: Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wrje.html

