2016年8月20日 星期六



Dear Ones, many of you shy away from truly stepping into love for yourselves because you fear you will fall into ego. Let us assure you, that will not happen.


Egoic self love creates self imposed separation, which, by it ' s very nature will not allow love, healing, or connection. It perpetuates behaviours that do not honour the self, and keeps you stuck. It becomes a very lonely, uncomfortable place indeed , and a space that you would not be able to stay in for very long at all before your discomfort would urge you to choose another energy that better fits who you really are.


Conscious self love unifies by including yourself in your own loving care.It nurtures and encourages healing and growth, and unconditional love for all things, including yourself. It anchors the energy of unity consciousness, by not separating, but rather including yourself as an equally delightful part of the whole, deserving of your own delightful attention. By unconditionally loving all the parts of you, you unify and heal all the aspects of self that have been yearning for the missing piece of your own tender love, which allows you to move forward in authentic and empowered ways like never before.

你明白了嗎?前者是你已經進化超越的能量,所以即使你試圖回去,你無法長時間處於那個能量中。後者讓你進入家的能量---- 無條件的愛,統一意識,接納。一個延續分離的幻象,而另一個願意和有愛地支持整體。通過意圖,一個持有排除的能量,另一個包含。一個拒絕,另一個接納。

Do you see? The first is of energies that you have already evolved beyond, so even if you tried to go back there you would not be able to stay in those energies very long. The second moves you into the energies of Home – of unconditional love, unity consciousness, and acceptance. One perpetuates the illusion of separation, while the other willingly and lovingly supports the whole. Through intention, one holds the energy of exclusion, the other of inclusion. One rejects, the other accepts.


So we urge you to finally, consistently, love yourselves as the vital and divine aspects you really are, for it is through this final act of unification and acceptance you will start your empowered journey, shining in your authentic truth and glory. And that, Dear Ones, is what puts the light in enlightenment.


