2016年8月25日 星期四



There was a time when you would define yourself by comparing yourself to what others were doing, which usually involved making yourself, or others wrong. As you evolve, you are starting to understand that there really isn’t right or wrong, there is merely experience, and choosing what is right for your own individual life expression.

當你開始做出基於正確感覺的選擇 --- 符合你神聖的火花和靈魂議程---你給予自己靈魂總所渴望的自由來表達自己,在你的輝煌和獨特方式中。你視自己為自身道路的大師,也看到他人的,即使他們選擇和你不一樣的。

When you start to make choices based on what feels right at the core of your being – what matches your own divine spark and soul agenda – you give yourself the freedom your soul has always craved to express yourself in your own glorious and unique way. You see yourself as the master of your own path, and also see the mastery in others, even if they are choosing something different than what would be right for you.

從外在轉向內在導航系統的轉變會租金接納和自由。這會鼓勵每個靈魂去認識和相信自己的精通和他人的,閃耀並擁抱自己的偏好,會極大地添加到整體美麗的編織中。~ 大天使加百利

It is this shift from an external to an internal guidance system that will foster acceptance and freedom for all. It will encourage each soul to acknowledge and trust their own mastery and the mastery of others, to shine and embrace their own preferences, which adds immeasurably to the beautiful mosaic of the whole. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯: Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wr1u.html

