2016年8月12日 星期五



Dear Ones, you are part of a universe that is designed to continually expand and evolve naturally. Constant struggle is not a natural aspect of growth.

想想你在自然中看到的東西--- 一個突破地面的萌芽或雞蛋的孵化。會有一個增長的能量建立直到有足夠的壓力來突破到下個層次。能量會返回到暢通成長的輕盈。

Think of things you see in nature – a sprout breaking through the ground or an egg about to hatch. There will be a build up of energy that will increase until there is just enough pressure to break through to the next level. The energy then settles back into the ease of unimpeded growth.

就像自然中的一切,你與韻律共事。會有壓力,但它們總是會引領你去釋放,返回輕盈。流動和成長會是常數,伴隨著抵抗和壓力,會不時地進入新的,更好的存在狀態。如果你可以記住這些,你會發現更容易處於前進運動,伴隨著更大的舒適,擁抱所有成長階段積極的面向。~ 大天使加百利

Just as all things in nature, you work with rhythm. There may be moments of stress, but they will always lead you to release and back to ease. Flow and growth will be the constant, with moments of resistance and stress being sporadic entryways to new, better states of being. If you can remember this, you will find it much easier to stay in forward movement with greater comfort, embracing the positive aspects of all stages of growth. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wpxt.html

