2016年8月14日 星期日



Many of you have been conditioned to be afraid of the future, to be on high alert for what is unwanted. You look for reassurances that nothing bad will happen. Do you ever think that the future could bring wonderful surprises? If that isn ' ta potential you consider, we urge you to broaden your scope of possibilities.


The fear you have held for so long concerning your future has come from feeling powerless. Once you grab the reins and begin to hold the energy you desire and co-create from an empowered place, you can start to approach each coming day from a space of openness and acceptance. To put it in terms you can easily understand, there is no need to fear the mail when the bills are paid and you are simply waiting for the packages you have ordered to arrive.

為生活中的魔法騰出空間,親愛的。向未知的理念敞開會是令人愉悅的。讓宇宙,你最高的自我,服務和取悅你,在你無法想像的方式中,你會擁抱每一天,伴隨著期待和好奇。~ 大天使加百利

Make room for magic in your lives, Dear Ones. Open to the idea that the unknown can be delightful. Allow the universe, and your highest self, to serve and delight you in all the ways you couldn ' t imagine, and you will embrace each day with a sense anticipation and wonder. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wq0p.html

