2015年12月2日 星期三



When you experience disappointment in another it is because you are looking outside of yourself for satisfaction. As you have no control over what another does, this amounts to gambling with your happiness. You will always end up feeling let down in one way or another, because only you can create your own foundation of wholeness.


What you are truly seeking, and what will always satisfy you, is connecting to the unconditionally loving and supportive Source within you. Choose to love yourself so completely and deliciously that your deep satisfaction is assured. From there it is easy to simply love and accept others for who, and where they are, without condition. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102w6gz.html


Dear Ones, expecting to create the life of your dreams while being on high alert for what you do not want amounts to checking store after store for anchovies when you really want ice cream. ~Archangel Gabriel


