2015年12月4日 星期五


我們摯愛的朋友,我們如此的愛你   My dear friends, we love you so very much,


"Expect the unexpected," is a common phrase upon your earth. We would say, "Embrace the now, Anticipate the Best!" for in truth dear ones, if you anticipate the best you tend to draw yourselves towards it! If you understand that all things are truly possible with God, then rather than bracing for disappointment, you will joyfully look forward to the surprises and assistance on the path ahead.


God loves you! We love you! We celebrate your presence upon the earth. We celebrate your eternal being. We celebrate when you ask us for assistance because you are using your free will to love yourselves and ask for help. We want to give you the present of Presence over the holidays... the presence of love, the presence of joy, the presence of grace. Allow us please to help you!

我們知道你們正忙碌著籌備假日季節,但如果你帶著神聖開始與結束你們的日子將出現如此更多的平順。請在每天清晨花幾分鐘的時間---“ 親愛的神,親愛的天使們,這是我在今天希望達成的事情。請幫助我”。如果你有其他的計劃--“ 親愛的神,請幫助我相信,在我的生活和宇宙中,您真實不虛的一直在做著的一切,而且那您深愛著我。請幫助我相信我的願望會以最完美的方式,最完美的時機得到實現。感謝您”隨後,親愛的朋友,你經歷自己的日子,信任著你將接收到所有你需要的幫助,同時知道,當某件事看起來不是你所想的那樣時,總是存在著一份更偉大的課程。

We know you are busy during the holidays but everything would go so much more smoothly if you would start and end your day with the Divine. Take a few minutes each morning. "Dear God, Dear Angels, this is what I would like to accomplish this day. ​​Please help me. If you have other plans, dear God, help me trust that you really do know what you're doing with my life and the universe, and that you love me. Help me trust that my desires will be fulfilled in the most perfect way at the most perfect time. Thank you." And then dear friends you go about your day, trusting that you will receive all the help you need and that when something does not look as you think it "should" there is always a greater reason.


You are SO very loved in the heavens. You are celebrated. We see you as gifts upon the earth dear ones. Ask for help. Allow us to assist you, even in finding the simplest things - the perfect present for a loved one, the ingredients for your cookies, the energy to write your holiday cards...and if you do not have these things, trust, trust, trust, that we are loving you in ways you cannot yet understand.

神祝福著你!我們深愛著你!    God Bless You! We love you so very much.


