2015年12月1日 星期二


摯愛的人們 :    Beloved Ones,

讓我們揭示下那被稱之為“覺知”的愛的品質,它是一條“知曉內在”的道路,通過聆聽內心的聲音告知這位個體他在邏輯意識的層面無法真切明白的事物。 每位個人都擁有著可供自己掌握的靈性力量,同時運作在極高的覺知,明晰,創造性和直覺的感應能力中。 由於他們學習信任並利用全新覺察與交流的方式,以他們內在的知曉,在每天的生活中他們便重新喚醒那種運作的微妙感受。經由他們自身的直覺,他們經驗到一種提供給他們的“指引”和“確認”,與信息處於同時性的流動。

Let us have discourse on the quality of love calledknowingness, which is an inner way of knowing through listening tothe voice within that tells the individual things they could notactually know based on logic.Each individual has spiritual powers that they possess andthe capability to function at high levels of perception, clarity,creativity and intuitive knowingness. As they learn to trust and utilize new ways of perceivingand communicating with their inner knowingness, they reawakensubtle senses that work in their everyday lives . They experience aflow of information and synchronicity that offers them guidance andvalidation through their intuition. 

“直覺的知曉”是一種固態,不可動搖與單純的認知,它也許並不會講得通,但卻是一份對所發生之事的理解。很重要的一點便是,此人欣賞著他自身的內在知曉並信任其中,因為這是來自他神聖指引道出給他的呢喃之音。 要知曉一個人的內在本我,需要很高層次的“自我反省”和“自我明覺”。它是一個發掘的過程,經歷著恆常生命旅程的磨練。為了“明了”個人內在的本我,首先的第一步是--在個人所做的一切事情上活出有意識的覺知。 每個人都擁有著自身的內在面向,能夠帶給他們神聖的指引。它得以讓他們去感受就環繞在他們周圍那不可見的,既已存在之精微世界的敏感特性。這裡存在著清晰的方向,允許他們與那內在的洞見協調一致,從而能夠跟隨來自你“神聖本我”的流動。通過這種更高層次的知曉和意識層級他們獲得了授權。

Intuitive knowingness is a solid, unwavering and simpleknowledge that may not make sense but is a knowing of things tohappen. It is important that one appreciates their own innerknowingness and trust in it, as this is the voice of their divineguidance speaking to them. Knowing ones inner self requires a high level ofintrospection and self awareness. It is a process of discovery thatis a life long journey. To know ones inner self is the first stepof living a conscious life of ones own making. Each individual has that aspect within them that is ableto bring them divine guidance. It gives them sensitivity to thesubtle worlds that exist in the invisible realms around them. Thereis clarity of direction that allows them to become attuned to thatinsight that is able to flow from their divine essence. They becomeempowered through this higher level of knowing andconsciousness. 

神聖意識,伴隨它授予“內在覺知”的能力總是能被每個人使用。它開啟他們面向一種嶄新的覺知層次。它開始了自“內在洞見”引領的畢生的生命進程,而非是來自個人頭腦的死板決定。個人越多的在一種信任的狀態放鬆並允許自己匯入到那引領著他們的“神聖臨在”,更多有意識的生活品質便成為了他們每天的實相。 每個人都擁有力量去接觸他們自我深度的智慧,並利用它去建立一種更美好的生活。他們每天的生活便是在他們所立足的對一切事物的挖掘中經歷一段學習的旅程。他們越多的揭示與了解自己,越來越清晰的便是他們能活在一種“含有覺知的面向”。 由於一個人變得寧靜,處於自身內在足夠多的沉靜中,自然能夠感受到他們“內在的本質”,它允許了一種更偉大的意識得以浮現,同時揭示出它的智慧。這讓他們準備好去迎接更偉大的揭示,以及在他們內在空間中“真實的洞見”,獲得他們自身最為重要的答案。

Divine consciousness, with its capacity for bestowinginner knowingness has always been available to every individual. Itopens them to a whole new level of awareness. It begins a lifelongprocess of living from insight, rather than making decisionsstrictly from ones conscious mind. The more one relaxes in a stateof trust and allows themselves to be infused with the divinepresence that leads them, the more the quality of conscious livingbecomes their everyday reality. Each individual has the power to access their own deepwisdom, and use it to create a better life. Every day of their lifeis a learning journey in the discovery of what they stand for. Themore they uncover and reveal about themselves, the more clearlythey are able to live in a conscious manner. As one becomes still and quiet enough within themselves tobe able to feel their inner being , it allows a greater mind toemerge and reveal its wisdom. This prepares them for greaterrevelation and for true insight from that space inside of them thathas their most important answers. 

在其最純淨的形式中,“直覺的知曉”是一種中性的,平和的覺知。“覺知”將帶領一個人朝向確然的真實感受,那自他們內在更為深度的呼喚--在與他們的心靈,意識和靈魂的協調一致中經歷生活。經由個人“直覺知曉”的方式去生活,也同樣把他們帶到了自己真心希望去到的地點。他們會尋找到自身的道路,也會切實的明白--在什麼時候自己的請求是恰當的,同時經由對自己和內在覺知的信任準備好去聆聽。 沒有人能告知另一人他來到地球要做些什麼,或是做成某件事的正確時機。這是此人自己的生活,也必然只能靠他 ​​自己活出。他們擁有選擇的權力,也能夠去享受自己犯下的錯誤,同時從中獲得學習。他們能夠享受自己所有的勝利,隨後對其放手,同時開放自己面向從未有過的更偉大體驗。 “未知的事物”其實都早已存在。生命的旅程在許多種方式中處於恆久不斷的轉變中,因此一個人永遠不可能以邏輯或理性的方式明白,因為每個人都是一種更偉大存在的其中一個部分,而祂的力量和意識棲身在他們心中。在對神聖真理的信任中不斷改良自身,讓此人得以了解內在的智慧,真實和覺知。

In its purest form, intuitive knowingness is a neutral,calm awareness. Knowingness will take one towards what feels trueto them, that deeper calling within them to live their life alignedwith their heart, mind and soul. Living by ones intuitiveknowingness takes them where they want to go. They will find theirway and will know exactly what their calling is when the time isright and they are ready to listen by trusting self and their innerknowingness. No one can tell another person what they are here on Earthto do or the right time to do something. This is their life andthey alone must live it. They have the right to their choices andcan even enjoy the mistakes they have made ​​and learn from them.They can enjoy all their triumphs and then let them go, openingthemselves to ever greater experiences . The unknown is really all that there is. Life isconstantly shifting in ways that one can never logically orrationally know, for everyone is a part of a greater existence andits power and consciousness dwells within them. To reclaim trust indivine truth is to become aware of ones inner wisdom, authenticityand knowingness. 

親身見證“神聖秩序”在自己身上的運作,作為一份智慧帶著光與愛的能量作用填充,這便是一份直覺與智慧的知曉。它連接他們進入內在最深度的智慧和知識,亦是靜靜的躺在表層的頭腦智力的思維之下。這需要一份意願--擁有一顆足夠開放的心靈,同時加上向內觀照的心意和信任的態度去接受這些向他們揭示出的智慧。 每個人都擁有這樣的“內在智慧”去做出此類的轉變,從而被授予更多的力量並對轉變開放自己。通過有意識的學習,成長並以超越世俗生活的眼光去發掘他們真正需要的一切,為的是真實的享受他們的生活,他們便獲得興盛。 作為個人與內在本我的協調一致,你要做出一份承諾--確保你所採取的每個行為都與這份更高的自我臨在處於完全的校準對齊。這必然包含著個人有意識去努力和意圖聚焦的成果。“覺知”是一份與一種無法用言語說明的直覺引導的連接,而這份指引來自於此一智慧與充滿愛的臨在的接收,而這對於你來說通常是至關守護的。

Seeing the divine order in one's self as a wise beingfilled with light and energy of love is an intuitive and wiseknowingness. It connects them to their innermost wisdom and theknowledge that lies beneath the surface of intellectual thinking.It requires a willingness to have an open mind and to look deepwithin and trust and accept what ones wisdom reveals tothem. Each individual has the wisdom within them to make thetransformation to being more empowered and open to change. Theythrive by continuously learning, growing and looking beyondexternal life to discover what they really want for themselves inorder to really enjoy their lives. As one aligns with their inner self, they make acommitment to ensure that every action they take will move themtoward full alignment with this higher presence. This comes aboutas a result of ones conscious effort and intention. Knowingness isa connection to an unexplainable intuitive guidance and theguidance one receives from this wise and loving presence is oftenprotective to them. 

每個人都可以接通這份覺知和源自他們內在的警覺指引。為了從這樣的指引和方向獲得收益,你必須學會信任你“直覺的知曉”是準確的。一次生命的體驗教導你的關鍵便是從“內在的知曉”中獲益,這便是要你學習去信任它的智慧,超越你表層浮現的邏輯思維。每個人都接收著這些“直覺知曉”的信息,每天如此。 很重要的一點是---你行動在更高的“內在知曉”之上,作為它帶給你覺知上的指引。為了擁有最美好,最安全與最幸福的可能生活,它需要個人付出對於“內在知曉”的信任。不存在失敗,每一次,你都勇敢無畏的行動在它的保護,愛與負責的指導下,而你的生活也得到了極大的提高。 願你總是能夠聆聽內在直覺的知曉,並允許你自己在你生命中的每個時刻處於“全然臨在”。 我是大天使加百利。

Each individual has access to this aware and watchfulguidance inside them. In order to benefit from its guidance anddirection, they must learn to trust that their intuitiveknowingness is accurate. A lifetime of experience teaches them thatthe key to benefiting from their internal knowingness is that theylearn to trust its wisdom over their conscious surface thoughts.Each individual receives these intuitive knowingness messages eachday.It is important that they act on their higher innerknowingness as it brings its guidance to their awareness. To havethe best, safest and most happy life possible, it pays to trustones inner knowingness. Without fail, each time one courageouslyacts upon its protective, loving, and responsible guidance, theirlife is greatly enhanced. May you always hear your inner intuitive knowingness andallow yourself to be fully present in each moment of yourlife. IAM Archangel Gabriel

由 Marlene Swetlishoff 於2015年11月27日通靈傳遞

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