2015年12月21日 星期一



Dear Ones, the greatest gifts you have to give are your acceptance, your encouragement, and your love. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102w7pp.html


Love. Joy. Peace. All of these are aspects of the higher dimensional energies, the exact elements your holidays are designed to celebrate and anchor. What a blessed time! We encourage you to take a moment to still yourselves and acknowledge the magic of it all and to shine with the glory that exists in you and around you. Being present allows you to embrace the true gifts of the season. ~Archangel Gabriel



When you love and accept yourself you allow yourself to shine. When you shine brightly in your truth, you effortlessly attract the perfect matches to you – the ideal partner, the like-minded friends, the fulfilling job, your highest purpose and experiences. Loving and accepting yourself is like turning on your own personal beacon, and from that empowered action everything else can easily find you. ~Archangel Gabriel


