2015年12月15日 星期二


摯愛的人們   Beloved Ones,


The Beloved Lightworkers throughout the world have been paying more attention to the needs of their home, the Earth, and we want to state that your efforts have been most appreciated. The energies that you have been directing have been dispersing and dissolving a great amount of the energies of fear that had been af​​fecting human consciousness. Most individuals are now able to discern more clearly what is and is not working in their lives and in their thought patterns. Adjustments are being made and things are looking up. We thank you for working with us in this way and ask you to continue to uphold the Light and also your daily focus with the Violet Light energy.

在你們今年日曆的結束時刻,提升的能量正越來越強烈的流入進來,將幫助每個人感到更多的恢復與更新,這是標誌著新的一年全新的開始,它將把你們穩穩的設置在你們靈魂持續進化的道路之上。清理與釋放的工作,當然還是會繼續下去,而這對於你們每個人來說盡可能多時間的去進行是十分重要的。每天都抽出時間把精力集中在這些事情上--- 去愛並感受你內心之中的這些提升的能量,如此它就會提升你的意識和思維。請處於你內在的平和中,這樣你將吸引相同的能量給自己。

The uplifting energies that are flowing more intensely during these times of the end of your calendar year will help each person to feel renewed and rejuvenated so that the symbolic new beginning of the New Year will set you firmly on the continued evolvement on your soul path. The cleansing and releasing work will, of course, continue and this is very important for each of you to continue for as long as necessary. Take time each day to focus on doing the things that you love and feel the heightened energies within your heart so that it uplifts your mind and thoughts. Be at peace within yourselves and you will attract the same energies to you.


Many of you are turning away from listening to the daily news media as they continuously focus on creating scenarios of drama and entertainment so that you will 'stayed tuned' to their stations. Most of you feel these energies as something to be avoided at all costs for your own well being and sanity and this is good and the right thing to do. You have noticed that most of the subject matter is repeated endlessly while 'experts' are brought in to give their opinion. This is all very tiring and rather boring to endure and so, you have been turning them off. The vast majority of humanity, however, is being captured by the drama and emotion of it all and that is why we have had the cleansing and transmuting focus with the Violet Light.


We encourage each of you to cultivate a positive and joyful attitude towards the manifestation of the highest vision for yourselves, your family and community members. Support each other and make the physical connections and contacts, for in doing so, your energy brings upliftment and encouragement to them. Your calm demeanor and positive attitude will help to encourage the same behaviour in those around you. As beacons of Light, you facilitate this experience within those who come in contact with you. This is a part of your reason for being here on Earth and particularly the location where you are stationed at this time.

我們的抄寫員也被給予了來自她“神聖自我”的話語,幫助她與自身最高的本我在這段時期校準對齊,那麼也在這裡與你們一同分享:“ 我的光,請幫助我清晰的看清所有我所是,以及我能做的。幫助我明白我確實能夠移動高山,我會盡己所能做到最好,而餘下的則順其自然”。這些話語將在這段時期幫助你們許多人,且會授權並鼓舞你們保持與你自身最高面向與觀點的校準對齊。

Our scribe was given words from her Divine Self to help her align to the highest version of herself during these times and is sharing them with you here: “My Light, help me to see clearly all that I am and can be. Help me to know that I can move mountains, to take what is best and let go of the rest”. These words will help many of you during these times and will empower and encourage you to stay connected and aligned to your highest aspect and version of yourselves.

直到下個星期    我是Hilarion


