2015年12月25日 星期五


摯愛的人們   Beloved Ones,


It is important that you make time each day to be still so that you can go within. During this time of the year, one's schedule can become full of activities that you feel must be done, with family, friends and your community and this is wonderful as long as you do not over extend yourselves. Too often there is a tendency to place too much importance on the pleasing of others rather than on one's own needs. As in all things, there must be a balance so that your equilibrium is maintained and sustained. It might require a rethinking of priorities or of lowering your own expectations and looking at alternative options. Many times, it is one's own expectations of how things should be that create stress in one's life. Your loved ones are willing to help and are willing to adjust to new ways of doing things and to experiencing new ways to celebrate the season.


If one is relaxed and feeling peace within themselves, they do not leak impatient energies to those around them. Each person must realize that they are part of a greater whole and that their energies affect those around them, so it is important to look at themselves as having more power than previously contemplated. Many are feeling stressed, rushed and angry during these times and those who are extremely sensitive pick up this energy automatically and then wonder why they are feeling such feelings when they were feeling happy and peaceful before. Some of you are like sponges, absorbing the emotive fiery energies from all the people in your sphere of influence. When this happens, one needs to realize what has occurred and then counteract by finding a quiet space, finding time to soak in a tub of very warm and soothi​​ng water, perhaps perfumed with an essential oil of your choice and with some sea salt added to purify your auric field and clear all that is not conducive to who you really are. Listening to relaxing music is also very helpful.

當一個人的情緒包含“感恩”的感受,宇宙便會在你的生命裡註入它相匹配的能量。在今年底的這個時刻,很重要的是培育內心的感受-- 開啟你的心根植在它輻射著的金色之光的流動中,如此它就會獲得機會擴展進入到更為偉大的“基督意識”中。此種的意識對於任何一個人都是自由可選的,也可以被每個人所接收與整合。而它更有效力的發生是在這個世界進入到“至日”時間點,在你們星球的每個半球都情形相同。在你們在經歷著每日進程的時刻,就可利用這股特殊的力量去祝福圍繞你的每個人和每件事物。祝福你遇見的每個人,祝福樹木,鳥兒,花草,祝福你能看到的所有美麗事物。對於每件事物的存在向“神”送出感謝。當你貫徹自己的行為這麼去做,天使團體,你的指導靈,以及揚升大師和你的更高自我將在靈性世界與你合作把它實現。

When one's emotions include the feeling of gratitude, the universe rushes in to provide its counterpart in your life. At this time of the year, it is important to cultivate the feelings of the heart that open your heart centre to its radiant golden glow so that it has the opportunity to expand into greater Christ consciousness. This consciousness is freely available to everyone and requires an openness and willingness to receive. This loving energy is non-denominational and is to be received and integrated by everyone. It is especially more potent as the world moves into the solstice in each hemisphere on your planet. Working with these potent energies helps to move you forward to the greater expansion of your inherent potentials. As you move through each day, use that extra power to bless everyone and everything around you . Bless every person you meet, bless the trees, the birds, the flowers, bless all the beauty that you see. Give thanks to God for everything. When you do this consistently, the angels, your guides, the ascended masters and your higher self will work in spirit so that it is accomplished.


When you bless everything, it is by cosmic law that what goes out from you will come back to you so be prepared for many blessings in your life. Better yet, become all blessings of God by making this a daily practice and this will automatically spread all blessings to the world around you. As you daily raise your consciousness and your vibrational frequency, you are also raising your higher self to a higher level. The higher your higher self rises, the higher you are lifted up. As people raise their consciousness , their light spreads out for many miles like a blanket of pink light which assists others to open their heart and consciousness and their awareness starts to expand. This pink light expands out to encompass all who are within its field. This is why it is most important to purify one' thoughts as you expand in your power to manifest your reality by your thoughts. It is important to train your mind and watch all your thoughts to see if they reflect the God that you are.


Each and every one of you is learning to wield greater power in the world around you and this requires self discipline and self control. There are many examples of the misuse of power in the world and that is not what you are here to do. You are here to create positive and benevolent changes in the collective consciousness of the planet. You must continue to be the love and the light that you innately are. And with each passing day, we see more of you shine your brilliant light and we rejoice!

直到下個星期     我是Hilarion


