2015年12月28日 星期一



Dear Ones, how do you lead energetically? Do you lead with what is wrong with you, waving your ailments and challenges like a flag? Or do you navigate your lives by shining what is oh so very right with you? Recognize that what you lead by is where you are setting your GPS to go. You may wish to take the next few days as you transition into a brand new year to consider what energy you wish to have pointing the way. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102w8qu.html


Dear Ones, it is so beautifully simple. When you allow your authentic self to make decisions and lead the way, everything you experience will be the most perfect match to you. It can be no other way. So shine! Beam! Be you – gloriously, unapologetically you – and know that there is no greater thing you can do to nurture yourself into the life of your dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel


