2018年2月26日 星期一



It is very common if you have been out of balance in any area of your life to swing wildly to the other end of the spectrum in your desire to correct it. This is a prevalent theme both individually and collectively on your planet right now. But if you continue to use your awareness and continue along your enlightenment journey, what will happen is you will eventually find your way to a centre range of far greater balance and consistency. As each of you find your way into that space, you anchor the energies which further supports others shifting into greater balance on your planet, as well. Never underestimate the power your own growth and constancy has, Dear Ones, for it is always service for all. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



Dear Ones, when you are open to healing it will show up for you in so many ways. There will be energetic influxes that assist you in releasing. There will be other energies available for you to integrate to shift you into new vibrational states that reflect and support your growth.


You will be led to areas on your planet that support your healing. Energetic cords to others that no longer are in resonance with you will dissipate. The universe will bring brand new solutions and potentials into your awareness that you didn’t know existed. You will even move through various stages of healing through your dream states, which is a very prevalent theme right now.


Do you see? There is an entire universe filled with love and support for you that will bring to you everything you need the second you are ready for it. Trust in the system. The only thing you really need to do is to be open and accepting, and by doing so it will unfold in the ways that are divinely perfect for you and your own unique energetics. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

