2015年6月11日 星期四

【Brenda Hoffman】6月8日《輝煌明亮的星-而不是傳教士》

親愛的一們   Dear Ones,


You pondered andpined for new you as soon as that title became part of yourvocabulary. Now you are starting to truly experience new you in allit's fullness, including feeling differently towards those who oncemade you angry or frightened. The same is happening to many whohave no idea they are part of New Earth.


You assumed that onlythose who understood or pined for new you/New Earth/New Age wouldshift during this time. That even though you were a beacon, itwould take generations for the person down the street, who makesyou furious, to become a loving part of New Earth.


You sense that NewEarth is happening – resulting in a sort of heaven on earth. Butmost certainly that heaven on earth cannot include those so unlikeyou. A thought little different from the religious groupings manyof you find abhorrent.

你無法在新地球變得再有愛點   You cannot be a bitloving in New Earth.


Such was an Old Agestance. You loved someone a bit – including you – but not enough tocreate a personal sense of heaven on earth. That place, that piecewas always out there or up there somewhere. Of course, those OldAge entities like Jesus, Mohammed , Buddha and a few others reachedthat nirvana, but you did not and could not.


If youare truly a New Earth being shining in all your glory after yearsor decades of tenacious work, how is it possible that your evilneighbor down the street can even attempt to be of New Earth? Thatmost certainly there will be a layer of outcasts in New Earth muchas was true when leprosy dictated total isolation for anyafflicted.


Such thoughts returnyou to the Old Age of accepting pieces of you and others, but nevertheir totality no matter how much you thought you loved them. OldAge love was always tainted with an edge of fear – and therefore,limited.
As istrue now and was true then, if you do not love yourself fully youcannot love anyone fully. So it is you are beginning to loveyourself more deeply everyday.


And you are startingto see and sense that love in others. Such feelings are a bituncomfortable. For you expect others to hurt you as you have beenhurt over and over in the Age of fear. But then, how could youfully explore Old Age fear if you trusted and loved all includingyourself?


In the Age of Love,how can you possibly ignore the love that radiates from your being?You are beginning to put pieces together in terms of why and howyou limited your love. You are beginning to see life through notonly your own eyes, but those of your neighbor and anyone youlabeled fearful or mean.


Not that you wish tospend time with them. Merely that your approach to them within yourbeing is softening daily. The same is true for them. For yourequested that New Earth be a safe and loving harbor for all whowished to be part of it. So it is that those you once feared orignored are evolving to a different persona also, because they arestarting to love themselves.


Such is a gloriously,joyful chain of love. You dare love you and because that self-lovemakes you stronger and wiser, you sense othersbeyond surface appearances – which encourages them to find lovewithin themselves.
Of course, your mediaportrays a very compelling argument that earth is more evil thanever. And you do not yet have the global vision your media pretendsto have. Sex and fear sold more broadcasts than love and peace –until now.


You have turned offfearful media in many ways from not believing, to not listening,viewing or reading. Not because you wish to be less informed, butbecause it does not feel good to access many of the materials yourmedia controls. News of hate, anger and fear are repeated hourafter hour – one disaster after another. Until you forget whattragedy happened last week, for this week your media introduced anew, hopeless fear.


Your media will shiftto a love mode eventually. But for now, the media continue thedrumbeat of fear. Something many of you no longer wish toencourage.
You are not alone. Itis not just you shifting direction and perceptions. This is aglobal shift.


You are beginning toexperience love radiating from your being for the “least amongyou.” But not as was fashionable in the Old Age – to feel sorry forthe disenfranchised knowing that without your help their livescould never improve.


What you are startingto feel is that the disenfranchised are as capable and interestedas you in becoming a loving member of New Earth. And so they are.Does that mean everyone will be a millionaire tomorrow? No, merelythat those who thought you needed to carry them to freedom arediscovering their own strength. By doing so, they are also movingaway from fear and anger to an inner need for joy.


t isperhaps difficult to understand for you are the one who hasstr​​uggled upstream for decades to create New Earth – at least, thatis what you believe. In truth, New Earth would not have happenedwithout the input and love of all.


Just as you haveworked diligently to discover and uncover new you, so it is thatothers who seem unlikely to ever do so, are starting to crawl outfrom under their rocks of fear and anger. Not because you are a NewEarth missionary, but because you dare shine you light brightly sothat those who wish (now most earth entities) will find theirunique path – just as you found yours.


New Earth is aUniversal shift that includes trillions and numbers beyond ofentities that you lit the path for these many years hoping thatothers would find their way. So they are.


New Earth/new you isnot a missionary process. It is a star system. And you arecompleting your brilliantly lit path role in extraordinaryways.

讓自己去相信世界在快速地從恐懼轉變到愛,因為你敢於做自己,在你的輝煌中。就是如此。阿門 !

Allow yourself tobelieve that the world is shifting rapidly from fear to lovebecause you dared to be you in all your glory. And so it is.Amen.


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102vo7v.html 

