2015年6月10日 星期三



Wehave exciting news! We have reached a tipping point in thisprocess. Many of you have recently moved into the 5 Dimensionalreality. We smile because we know that many of you are lookingaround thinking that you must not have made it ye​​t. Pleaseunderstand that the 5th Dimensional reality is a vibratory state.Just as the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and beyond dimensions are. When youhave cleared a certain amount of beliefs and density from your bodyyou then vibrate higher and can access the higher dimensions. Asmany of the first group have moved into this new location, itallows others to follow suit faster and with greater ease. Thistipping point has been long awaited.


There has been much disinformation about the 5th Dimensionas a magical place, a place where upon arriving you are instantlyhealed, upgraded, and immortal. This is just not the case. When youmove into the Fifth dimension your first destination is to connectfully to the Unity grid . This grid allows you to connect easilywith those that resonate at this higher vibrating state. It iswhere you begin to understand fully and live knowing that we areall in fact one. It is from this destination that you will continueto clear and remove density from your frame allowing morecrystalline light codes in. It is from this destination that trueconnection with the highest aspect of self begins. As you risethrough the dimensions, this connection will strengthen and youwill merge with your soul source. Clearing allows space for yourhighest vibrating aspect to come forth.


Someof you may become discouraged hearing this, thinking that the 5thdimension was your final destination, that upon arriving your workis done. We understand as the journey from the 3D dimensionalfrequency to the 5th dimensional frequency was long and difficult.It has been your most difficult and time consuming change by far.You will find that as you embrace your new location, your newvibration and release all that no longer serves you that you movequickly though the dimensions. Each dimension, will allow you tovibrate higher, create more clearly the life you want , and for youto feel at peace. At the same time, understand that anything youare still holding onto will come up again and again so that it maybe healed. The 5th Dimension is not a magic cure, but a place wherethe magic begins and increases as you move forward.


Now isthe time to own your personal mastery and focus on love foryourself and others as this is what opens your heart charkaallowing more to be cleared and more codes to come in. As yourheart opens fully, as you seek a life of wondrous beauty, yourpurpose in life will unfold before you. You will receive new,higher vibrating blue prints or plans that are designed to help youachieve all that is in your highest good. Understand that blueprints come in layers and as layers are added, anything you areholding, grief, anger , sadness, and beliefs that no longer servewill be brought forth to your new blue print for the opportunity tocleanse there. If an issue is completely cleansed and released, itwill not be part of who you are in the future. It is you who callsforth what no longer serves you in each moment, it is you who hasthe power to let it all go as well. At any moment you may call onyour guides, angels, highest self, and the ascended masters toassist you with clearing and moving forward. However, it is you whomust uncover the root cause of what you are struggling with. Whenyou find the root cause and how it has impacted parts of your life,only then can you see the lesson that it was designed to teach you.Once a lesson is learned , you no longer need to hold onto it movingforward.


Itis important in these times that you do not allow another todissuade you from claiming your personal mastery. This is your timeto shine and continue on with your work of clearing, growing andexpanding. We are very proud of you and are delighted at how far somany of you have come.

與觀音大師的個人交流   Personal Conversation with QuanYin:


Me:When i first started this journey I was told that the earth wasliterally splitting in two. That those that were ascending wouldmove to a different earth. I was heartbroken because I was afraidthat my family wouldn't move with me. I was so sad , depressed,fearful, it was terrible.

觀音:那你是如何了解這個事實的呢?   Quan Yin: How did you learn the truth?


Me:I kept coming back to the same thing in my mind, which I now knowwas my team nudging me, I kept thinking – How can this processwhich is supposed to be amazing divide families? How couldsomething which is so positive, rip a mother from her children?Then I came back to over and over again that God is love andanything that divides people is too much like the heaven vs hellscenario. So I stopped believing it. Then as I became able to hearmy guides and the masters, i asked and was told about the vibrationlevels, the frequencies. It all made sense and so much sadness leftmy body.


Quan Yin: We were very glad when you chose to leave thefear behind and embrace this journey. Many have been mislead. Eachperson has the choice to ascend through the dimensions and toexperience this transition how they see fit. No one is ever leftbehind, each person chooses to continue on or to leave the planet.It ll depends on the lessons they have come in to learn andteach,

 Me: It is the first wavers thathave made it to the 5D?


Quan Yin: In mass yes, some have entered the fifthdimension and gone beyond before this time. However we have reacheda tipping point in this process because of the amount that haverecently transitioned.


Me:When I was awakening, I went into fear about everything, I was soangry. I am seeing this in others who are just awakening. Is thisjust normal?


Quan Yin: It seems to be common yes, but now there arethose who have gone beyond such limitations and they are able toshine a light of love and compassion to help guide the way. You areall very valuable.


Ihope my questions and answers help you in the same way it didme. Sending you and myself all the love wecan handle.

珍妮   Jenny

由 JennySchiltz 於6月3日通靈    信息源頭:觀音大師

譯者 U2覺醒   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b9a886d70102vgm0.​​html

