2015年6月22日 星期一

【Brenda Hoffman】6月15日《進入一個新的創造階段》

親愛的一們   Dear Ones,


It is time once againto acknowledge and ponder the many small surprises you are startingto note. Because you are exhausted with your recent clearingefforts, you have barely noted the multitude of what you considersmall surprises in your world.You are beginning totest your new personal creation software.

是時候拋開你的疲憊,恐懼和憤怒。因為你處於一個完全不同的地方,比起上週。你已經完成所有你需要完成的把你的新軟件添加到你新整體中。你已為這個創造的階段準備好了 !

It is time to putaside your exhaustion, fears and anger. For you are at a muchdifferent place than was true even last week. You have completedall you need to complete to add your new software to the mix ofyour new totality. You are ready for this stage ofcreation.


Even though many ofyou wish to create what you consider large pieces, you arebeginning to note small creations. Intellectually, you know thereis no Universal distinction between large and small. Yet, thatknowledge does not necessarily yet apply to new you. So it is thatyou are testing your creation software with bits of your newtotality.


You have been at asimilar place within the past couple of years. Perhaps, you createda parking space or discovered a lost item. All creations of yourformer being.


The software you arenow testing is of your new totality. Your “small” creations of thenext few days are directly related to new you –rather than creation for creation's sake as was true just monthsago.
Allow yourself toplay with your creation software. Yet, note what you create asthose creations are ties to new you.


“Who are you?” is aquestion of the ages. An answer much different for you then wastrue just months ago. You accepted the new role of CEO of yourtotality. You cleared pieces that prohibit you from connecting toyour new role. Now you are starting to create those people, thingsand places necessary for you to move into your new role withease.


Of course,you are pondering that last statement with many naysaying thoughtsincluding, “This is yetanother Universal carrot with little reward.” Some of you willdiscover that such is true. Not because it is, but because yourefuse to acknowledge that you are a powerful creator . That no oneknows you better than you. That you are the only one who can createthat which is required for the new you of your totality. So it isyou are beginning to create such now.


Perhaps you do notyet understand how the creation of a new dress or friend helps youcreate your new role. We can only counter lovingly with the fairytale of Cinderella. Did that fairy tale not detail the importanceof Cinderella's attire? That Cinderella could not enter the worldof a princess with the rags she was wearing?


Many of your fairytales and beloved movies and books such as The Wizard of OZ were“planted” as it were on earth to help generation after generationremember their truth even if on a subconscious level. So it is thatyou, as was true for Cinderella, are creating various piecesnecessary before fully claiming you. Pieces that do not necessarilymake sense to you now, but they will.


So wesuggest, no urge you to follow your inner creation being. Perhapsyou wish to create a pen to sign documents. Or shoes to better walkthrough the forest. Or a house to allow you to retreat when yourequire downtime. It does not matter. No creation is better thananother. Merely pieces that are necessary for you to fulfill yournew CEO of you role.


Enjoy this puzzle ofcreation. Why do you need what you need? Why are you attracted tosomething and not another? Why are your creation tastes shifting?All wonderfully fun puzzle pieces leading to new you.


Yes, you have been atthis place before. But not in terms of your new CEO role. You areentering a new creation stage.
Allow whatever it isyou find interesting to be created. And at the same time, anythingthat feels cumbersome or not right to be negated from yourlife.
Creating new you is awondrous process, but a process that requires dedication toyou.

Allow yourself to beextradited from the 3D clutches that no longer bring you joy inwhatever form that takes from entities to places to creations. Manyof you believe you cannot leave your job, community, friends orhome. If such is so, it is time for you to shift your perception ofthose entities, places and things. For if you find no escape fromthose entities, places or things, they are providing something youyet require.


You continue toreview your life with a SMALL lens. Forgetting that you areall-powerful and all loving. Throw away your past perceptions. Itis time to accept what is and who you are.


You are starting todo so with your initial creations. Perhaps these initial creationsare necessary to shift entities, places or things– or to perceive them differently. It does notmatter. All that matters is that you KNOW with every fiber of yourbeing that you are the CEO of your new you totality. And that youare fully capable of creating what you need to explore that role.Just as is true for the wealthiest CEO you can imagine.

It is not an accidentthat we created the image of a CEO when helping you betterunderstand your new role. For indeed, CEOs are today's kings andqueens of yesteryear. It does not matter what title is used todescribe your new totality – only that yourealize that you have no limits, that you can create whatever seemsmost fun for you at any given time.
That fun is now mostlikely related to creating pieces of your new role that do notnecessarily push you into that role, but instead offer glimmers ofthe joy of creating within that role.

所以你處於新的,令人愉悅的自我創造階段。能讓你把那些阻止你成為新的你的碎片轉變掉。你創造了過去幾個月的能量來幫助你加速你的清理進程。因此你做到了。現在是時候與新的你玩耍了。因此你也在---一次一個創造拼圖。就是如此。阿門 !

So it is that you areat a new and delightful phase of self-creation. One that allows youto shift those pieces that prohibit you from being new you in allyour totality.
You created theenergies of the past few months to help you expedite your clearingprocess. So you have. Now it is time to play with your new yourole. So you are – one puzzle piece of creationat a time. So be it. Amen.


