2016年1月24日 星期日



Dear Ones, you are now at a point where you can create from preference rather than contrast. Contrast was required to get your attention before you moved into deeper awareness and sensitivity. Now that you are far more conscious, there is no need for those extremes . What glorious proof of the growing and evolving you have done! Creating through preference is what will support a path of far greater grace and ease along with consistent surrender and flow, as you embrace your dance of co-creation with the universe. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wash.html


Dear Ones, when you are wishing to manifest something, it is important that the essence of what you want creates a good feeling for you, in order for you to be fully accepting of it. Let us give you an example.


If you are having difficulty with money, ask yourself how you really feel about money. Perhaps you feel the energy of money is cold and impersonal. It will be very hard for you to draw to you anything that you feel resistance to. Feel deeper into what it is you wish to create. Perhaps wealth is a better word for you. Maybe it is comfort and ease you wish to create. By focusing on the true essence of what it is you are trying to achieve, you will have a much easier and enjoyable time with the creation of it.


If you are wishing to have a love relationship but equate love with hurt, you will have a difficult time being successful because you will be trying to draw to you something you are resistant to. Perhaps you could replace the word love with joyful connection. Maybe companionship is a word you would feel more positive about. Maybe partner, or soul mate, or divine other, or beloved will better capture the essence of what is desired.


While you are trying on words and really paying attention to how you feel, not only can you identify what it is you desire, you can also become aware of what is ready for release by your energetic reaction to certain words. This can be a very helpful process to help you gain clarity and awareness about your feelings on certain topics and alert you to what areas are looking for some tender, loving, self-care from you, which can only further assist you in creating what it is you desire. Simply put, resistance is what puts the brakes on your flow.


So find the essence you can embrace fully, Dear Ones, and start to have fun with your creations. There is no right or wrong, there is just preference and whatever you feel wide open to is the place to start. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wawv.html

