2016年1月26日 星期二

巴巴吉 20160123 更高自我的明晰


Expect clear inner signs! Orient yourself entirely toward your heart center and you will clearly perceive YES or NO.

我是巴巴吉   I am BABAJI


The time of a lack of inner orientation is over.Decisions, which have to be made, today can be made in a new manner, self-assuredly and self-consciously.How? Whereby you bind directly with the knowledge of your heart and expect a sign in silence. Begin to trust your inner images, after you have centered yourself.


The heart does not deceive you, because the heart bails all knowledge from the prime Source of all Life. Illusions belong to the mental and emotional levels, which the heart is free of.


Furthermore this means: Go into silent meditation, as you face a question, as your life demands an answer.Get entirely centered in self, in your heart – come to rest; silence surrounds you and you are in peace.Then wait for what shows . The HIGH SELF talks to you, it reveals itself and shows you the way to the right decision: YES or NO.

3個指標    3 Indications


There are unmistakable indications for it that you receive knowledge directly from the heart:


1.) Images, which develop out of nothing and clearly do not correspond to phantasies or a suppressed desire.


2.) Mirror images and a twist of fate, which may follow such a meditation, as you gain the impression that you have received no clear inner picture.


3.) Sudden inner clarity, after you attained calmness and have arrived in the center of your Being.


In one of these manners you attain knowledge and clarity, in one of these manners the High Self talks to you and tells you what is appropriate and how to decide.


Very often you stand at a fork in your life, where you do not know how to proceed. Here is a tool given, so that you may make clear decisions free of mental or emotional influences.YES or NO – the knowledge is inside of you .

開始相信自己。時機已到!    Begin to trust yourself.The time has come for it.

我在你們之中,巴巴吉    I am amongst you,BABAJI


通靈:Jahn J Kassl    翻譯:Nick Chan

