2016年1月1日 星期五



Dear Ones, acceptance does not mean ignoring your very valid feelings. It means that you can recognize that something is unfolding the way it is for a reason, and still honour yourselves through any emotion you may be feeling to do with that experience. We never wish for you to deny how you really feel! In fact, we urge you to honour yourselves and love yourselves tenderly through any disappointments or discouragements you may feel. It is through being your own loving guide, your own loving parent, your own loving best friend, that you will compassionately give yourself everything you need, while staying in the flow of the unfoldment of your life with faith and trust. It is through that practice you will masterfully honour both the human self and the spiritual self, creating congruency and balance on your path of forward movement. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102w91d.html


If we had only one wish for you as you enter the energy of a brand new year, it would be that you make a sacred vow to love yourselves unconditionally in 2016. If you make that your priority, love will lead the way in all that you do, and you will be setting the energy to allow all other things to fall beautifully into place for you. Celebrate what's within first, Dear Ones, and you will create the energetic foundation to have all kinds of things to celebrate all year long. ~Archangel Gabriel


