2016年1月14日 星期四

聖哲曼 20160112 神的翅膀

序言   Prologue


Arriving in the Kingdom of God and returning into the Light – this is the truth that all Life comes to, having determined this for itself.


For every human Being this way back to the Source goes off in a unique manner and offers exactly the chain of experiences, which he needs in order to conclude this one journey before a new one can begin.


Everything indeed is part of God's Creation and it is possible on account of God, and therefore, in order to make your arrival in the Light secure and far from dramas, waters will separate, earth masses will shift beneficially, storms will die down and fire will burn without burning you.


You will be truly taken away, carried away from a as of yet unknown force, which has the power to manifest everything, which serves the great creative blueprint.


God is great, and this greatness appears in the decisive hours for mankind, it determines everything and is omnipresent on all levels of this world.


You are not alone, you are not left standing on your own two feet and you never were. And today you are even less so, because it is about the last and decisive movements, which lead directly into the Kingdom of God, and the Light , the Life and Love will be lifted to the only reality on the new earth.


From now on set your steps securely and in deep trust of self and of God. Do not avoid your further transformation, instead courageously take on yourself and let yourself sink into God's arms; until you are contained in His Grace and find calm, peace and enlightenment in His L​​ove.


God lifts you, but you must stand up on your own,God gives you strength, but you must move on your own.God gives you insights, but you must accept these as your own.God works through you, but you must be open for it on your own.

你在神之中的所是是什麼    And what you are, you are through and in God.


Be ready for this truth and on God's wings let yourself be carried into the Light.

我是聖哲曼    I am ASANA MAHAARI

通靈:Jahn J Kassl    翻譯:Nick Chan

