It is well understood that feeling stressed once in awhile is perfectly normal and acceptable especially during timeswhere you know you are being tested. It is also common to recognizethe when stress hits, you find yourself motivated to become morefocused on the job at hand, regardless if that job is studying,filing, banking, caregiving, etc., yet there are times when youfeel so overwhelmed by the demands in front of you that you canbarely concentrate on anything. It is true that when stress hits,it will affect each person differently . Knowing this it isnecessary for you to understand that there are two types of stress:there is a stress that is motivating which is also nicknamed, goodstress and then there is the stress that causes anxiety and healthissues…the bad stress.
There is a reason for everything that occurs in yourlife, even stress and for the most part stress provides you abeneficial amount of energy that directs you which way you are toproceed. When stress comes in bits and pieces it can become yourmotivator to keep going when you are faced with daily challengesand when you are trying to achieve your goals. When you are workingwith stress to accomplish many of your tasks, you become moreefficient and effective to reach any outcome you haveenvisioned.
Stress can also be something like an inner warning devicethat is produced when your overwrought brain perceives a threat.You might find your body reacting in many ways to get yourattention that something is not quite right. Your senses seem to beworking on overdrive, giving you incredible focus so you candetermine your sudden cause for alarm and to be morealert.
With a little bit of stress, the amounts that arecontrollable provide many health benefits to your own delicateimmune system. When you are working productively with stress, yourblood is flowing and working in harmony with the function of yourheart to help you fight off infection and dis- ease. When stresscomes in moderation and is handled without animosity or upset somuch can be accomplished. It is when life begins to unravel a bittoo much when stress becomes problematic.
Stress is your instrument for survival…it gets yougoing in the right direction because your focus is razor sharp. Butthe moment too much stress enters it could cause detrimentalproblems in just about every aspect of your life. You are aware ofemotional stress. It is the stress that comes from over-thinkingabout a particular problem or incident, allowing your emotions torun freely and in control of your thoughts and feelings that couldcause you to act and speak in ways you would not normally do.Emotional stress if permitted to stay can remain for months ,weakening your delicate immune system, causing damage to the flowof your blood and weakening the function of your heart, causing youto feel abnormally tired, sad and anxious.
Itis vital dear ones for you to be aware of when your stress levelsbecome too much and you find yourself feeling as if you'redrowning. When you begin to feel you are having difficulty applyingall your attention on the tasks in front of you, or you begin toget more colds or dis-ease, where your body aches more, headachescome more frequently, your sleep patterns change and you findyourself becoming upset more quickly than normal and other similarsymptoms than you know it's time to step away…and give yourselfsome breathing room.
We know there are many dear souls that go out oftheir way to avoid stress, but stress is an inevitable part of yourlife. Yes you can improve the way on how you respond and react whenstressful situations make their presence known. By becoming awareof certain triggers that cause stress to become too much you learnto avoid doing certain things, dealing with certain people and soon. Only you can alter some of the situations that have been knownto create negative stress by being more aware of when the goodstress becomes too much.
The truth is dear ones, even though you may want to,you cannot do everything by yourself. You might want to, in orderto prove yourself to those around you, but it is more beneficial toask for help when you become taxed and stressed. In order to becalm, cool and collected where you are needed to be productive, youneed to recognize and realize what your weaknesses are and seekhelp the moment you need it.
Asking for help can be a whole other world of stress forsome people as many people want to be independent and asking forhelp would make them appear weak and vulnerable. Asking for help isnot a sign of weakness and if you feel vulnerable to ask someone tohelp you so you don't become overwhelmed by the demands of the taskbefore you, then make that vulnerability become your strength. Whenyou ask for help, you are entrusting in the other person to workalongside you, alleviating some of the pressure so whatever it isthat needs to be done, gets done. You unite, join forces to getsomething done and maybe by the time you are done working togetheryou might have made a new friend.
We understand how difficult it can be to trustothers, especially when it comes to helping you with something. Weencourage you to trust your own heart and to choose from your heartthe people you know without a doubt you can turn to for unbiasedsupport, a helpful hand or someone that can provide light towards adifferent perspective. Many times when you seek the help of anotherdear soul, you discover new solutions to a situation that wasmaking you sick from the stress it was causing and before you knowit that difficult, stressful situation was not as big as youthought.
Don't let stress overwhelm you and bring down all that youhave been working on or to endanger your health. Let your pridefall to the wayside along with your ego and ask for help. Lean onsome shoulders that you know are trustworthy and remember you canalways seek me, Melchizedek, another Ascended Master, angel ordeity that you have prayed or meditated before. One of the greatestand widest shoulders to lean on is God's. Never forget how much Godloves you. God will never forsake you. We of the Divine and Lightmay not be able to do the work for you, but we are there when youcall or invoke our presence supporting, guiding and loving you foreach step forward you take. No matter what life throws at you, youare never alone.
通靈:Julie Miller 翻譯:Nick Chan