2015年1月24日 星期六

委員會20150120 當你知曉,你會怎麼做?


Change is our topicfor today. ​​You are living in a time of great change. You have beenhearing that for quite some time. You are living in the only momentin which change can be made. That is also something you should befamiliar with. You cannot make any change in the future, nor canyou make any in the past. The only moment you can change is thisone, the present, and in so doing you will alter all futurepossibilities. You may also alter the effects of thepast.


We would point out, however, thatthe only change which we council you on is the change that you canmake within yourselves. You may have some idea of​​ the importance ofthat, but we assure you that your ability to foresee the vast reachthat your personal changes will have upon the future and the extentof the effect upon the entire universe is beyond yourunderstanding. Even upon your world and within your society, thereis no way for you to see the effects your smallest action will havein its ripple effect upon persons you have not and may never meet.You discuss this at times, but have you truly 'taken it on board',as you say?


That should be enoughto motivate you in your day to day activity and thought. Butconsider also that there is no way for you to understand whateffect the slightest improvements you may make within yourselveswill have upon the future selves you are becoming. You will becomesomeone with whom you are not in least familiar, someone beyondyour experience. A slight change in attitude, in your way ofperceiving, of reacting, and above all, in your beliefs aboutyourselves, will radically change your future. In fact, it is theonly thing that can do so .


So, as we have toldyou recently, our recommendation to you would be that you spare noeffort in finding out who the true self is that you are beneath andbehind all the little beliefs you have been taught to accept aboutyourselves. Who are you, really? What is it within you that isreal, permanent, unchanging? How will you find that? What will youdo when you know?


It is not somethingthat you need to become. It is something that you are and that youhave not yet seen nor felt. That is the true quest. That is yourtrue purpose. And that, once found, will change yourworld.


It is clamoring to be heard now.It is closer than ever. Listen, feel, and know.


通靈:Ronald Head   翻譯:Nick Chan

