2015年1月6日 星期二

【耶穌與抹大拉的瑪麗亞】 20150101 《忠實於愛》

Hello to you dear ones, it is Magdalena and Jeshuahere to speak with each of you!


Now is the time to be ever faithful to your trueessence! To be of pure heart and focus on your hearts flow and thetrue knowingness of love within!


Dear ones now is the most powerful time upon yourplanet in eons and we are all here to support your return to thegreatest flow of life-giving essence within each of you.. All ofyou are again coming into harmony with truth, love and flow ofessence. .


By this flow of essence, we mean your truest being atthe deepest level. This wellspring is connected with All that youare, and with your source flow of the hearts alignment with youreternal soul!


Dear ones this form you are in is quite magical init's innate wisdom and gifts of knowledge.. What is natural now isbalance, flow, kindness and purity of heart.. What is unnatural isany belief that these things are not attainable or are untrue toour being , whilst in form..


At this time upon your beloved planet earth all isperceived in great challenges of destruction and non-harmony oflove... As each of you allow the depth of your heart and yourbeing, the knowingness of your true essence and nature, you beginto awaken from this dream of lack, indifference, unlove anduntruth..


Know that each of you have specific challenges inthese areas. At this time the most important gift you can give theworld is your true alignment to All that you are.. As each of youcome online again to the awakened love within, you gain knowledgeof all that you are, Oneness! When you see clearly you allow allthat is not you to fall away gracefully and effortlessly, free ofstress and anxiety!


Dear ones, now is the time to allow all that youare…As you do this, by being present, coming home to the moment andallowing the flow of essence, your own true being within you, youcan relax into your own divine gifts and arrangements and reasonsof why you are here at this time..


You can, and only you can, allow your own divineflow, harmony and true essence of being within… This is allowed byrelaxation, the full acceptance of our being and by aligning toyour own now moment. By trusting yourself as you do this, you canknow you are connected to a greater plan. This plan has your backand is ever in your favor, we say this truthfully and yet you mustknow this in your own heart…


Relax and allow your alignment now and in eachmoment, come home to love within you..


Dear ones as we awaken to another moment in time, weare one, as we align to true love we are great, we are free and wecan flow this eternal love and harmony into this sphere, the sphereof all being..


Know that this is the greatest service to allow love thruyou, to allow it to consume you and to allow you to be clear inyour heart that all is with you to bring you home to loveagain!


This plan has been in action for so long dear ones,now is the time to bring it home! To allow love here upon thisbeloved Earth and to awaken to each moment in true ownership of thelove that you are!


Claim it, allow it and be it fully now, as you do youbring all into alignment again with the true harmony of all thespheres..


We are one being and as each of you allow thisIs-ness within we complete the cycle and can allow the fun to beginagain!


We are here ever grateful to each of you dear souls,we send greatest allowance of love that your hearts cantake!


We know that in our deepest heart we are ever free tobe all that we are in any form and to enjoy the journey of life,freedom and peace in this realm again! Stay true to your divinemission and open your hearts!


Let the love pour in again and remember, we are One,always!


With love and greatest thanks, Mary Magdalene and Jesus,your family of one heart!

通靈:Ray Dawn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

