Here is a truth for you to consider. If someone needs tochange in order to be a satisfactory match for you, it is tellingyou that they are not a match for you in this right now moment. Youwill save yourselves a lot of angst and heartache if you can acceptpeople exactly as they are, and make decisions based on if they area good energetic match to you, in your truth, as youare.
Some people say, “Well Gabriel, I am confused. They sayone thing and they do another.” Dear Ones, people are alwaysshowing you who they really are by their actions, and how they makeyou feel. Does this person make you feel loved? Accepted? Honoured?Nurtured? Cared about? What is the overall essence of thisrelationship? We are not talking about how they treated you longago. We are talking about how they treat you right now, in yourpresent reality. If this is not a satisfying union why are youaccepting so little for yourself? Do you have to step out of selflove to continue on with this relationship?
Do not sacrifice your happiness, your joy, youropportunities, waiting for another to change, Dear Ones, becausetheir souls are experiencing exactly what they need to experienceat this time, and there is no telling how long they may wish orneed to stay in that experience.
Your relationships would be so much more satisfying toyou if you accepted others exactly as they are. Isn't complete andtotal acceptance based on who you really are what you are seeking,as well? You are all expert energetic sorters and magnetizers, eachand every one of you! Listen to that inner knowingness. If you letyour truth shine, and allow others into your inner circle who aresafe, accepting and in resonance with your truth, you will finally,finally, start to experience the satisfying relationships yourheart has been yearning for all along. ~ArchangelGabriel