2015年1月28日 星期三

【耶穌】 20150122 《你朝向覺醒的時刻全速前進著》



Here in the spiritual realms, as we maintain our lovingwatch over you, we observe with additional joy your exemplaryprogress towards your awakening.
Even your mainstream news media are now findingthemselves unable to completely ignore the amazing changes that areoccurring all across your world, and nor are they able to avoidreporting on the waves of corruption and criminal activities thathad been concealed and are now being disclosed at all levels ofgovernment.


Thetruth of your enslavement to corrupt business and governmentalrules and regulations can no longer be hidden from you because ofthe courageous activities of many investigative journalists, and ofthe whistleblowers who have the courage to speak out.
Enormous changes are occurring worldwide as humanitymoves out from under the weight of rules and regulations imposed byyour authoritarian governments.


Governments that mostly would attempt to persuade youthat they are truly democratic institutions who have only your bestinterests at heart, when in fact they are mostly dishonest**kakistocracies attempting to keep you permanently in subservienceto them. Dishonest government on such avast scale can no longer be maintained, the cracks in itsfoundations and in its various autocratic institutions are bringingit to itsknees. (**Kakistocracy: the government of a state by the worst citizens.Shorter Oxford English Dictionary)


Unsupported by its citizens – the citizens of the world –as is now the case, it will continue to collapse into totaldisarray. Over the years it has often beenreferred to as “The Dark Cabal.” It iscomposed of and directed by hidden and secretive groups ofinfluential and wealthy families all over the world who have foreons placed themselves above the law.


As is becoming increasingly clear they have lost theirgrip and are reduced to fighting among themselves in desperateattempts, that ultimately will be unsuccessful, to maintain theirpower and influence.


You have entered a New Age, one in which Love isrecognized as the power and the energy that gives you life andconsciousness. Anything that is not ofLove, not in total alignment or harmony with Love, alwaysdisintegrates into the nothingness or illusory realm from which itarose, because, as you know, there is only Love, there is nothingelse.


Of course I need hardly remind you that Love is not asentimental feeling for or attraction to another, but is the lifeforce or energy field that is God, our eternal Source in which allthat exists arises eternally in everymoment. It is a constant state of arisinginto the ecstasy that is the Presence ofGod. It is what all of humanity seeks, butowing to its immersion into the depths of the illusion is unable tofind.


Reason and logic, which are, like time, aspects of theillusion, can never lead you into the Presence of God because youare already eternally enveloped by the divinePresence. You are where you are sodesperately seeking to be, but by the intensity of that seeking youare hiding from yourselves the divine Reality which contains andembraces you, constantly in every moment.


To return to Reality just surrender into the center ofyour being, that holy sanctuary within each one of you where thedivine flame of God's Love burnseternally. Truly you are already where youso desperately want to be, you have just blocked your awareness ofyour true state of existence by your choice to engage with theillusion, and with all the suffering, chaos, and mayhem with whichit presents you continually.


When you allow yourself to relax into that innersanctuary, accepting without judgment each now moment as it arises,and allowing all thoughts that float into your awareness to floataway with the current of that now moment, you will find a level ofpeace that is otherwise totally absent when you are engaged with oroccupied by the distractions of the illusion.


Many of you have experienced moments of intense peacewhen meditating, then your egoic mind has rushed in to try anddefine and describe what happened, and that moment of peace islost.


Peace cannot be found or achieved or reached, it is yournatural state, the state of being in the now moment, accepting yourSelf, being fully aware of that Self now, and from which your egotries to shield you by distracting you with thoughts that appear todemand your immediate and undivided attention.


It often seems that you are your thoughts, but this isnot the case. Thoughts appear and move onunless you choose to engage with them. Indaily life you frequently do engage with them as you go about yourchores because they are part of life in the illusion and in thatcontext they do need your attention as you focus on your work, youremployment, or your family – “I must not forget to complete thatreport by Friday. ​​Whose turn is it tocollect the children? I must arrange toget my hair done.” But you are not thosethoughts, and although you may not be able stop the flow, you canchoose not to engage with them when they are not servingyou.


It has become an unconscious habit for many of you tothink and think and think in an endless series of mind-numbingengagements with thoughts as each seemingly leads inevitably intothe next. You need to say to yourself“Stop!” And then let go.


Atfirst just saying “Stop!” is likely to take you off along anotherstring of thinking, but once you become aware that you are not yourthoughts and that you can stop the flow, even if only momentarily,then you have broken their hold on you, you have become aware ofyour own ego and its apparent hold over you – you are all very wellaware of everyone else's egos! Once aware,you can practice disengagement, and when you do your stress reducesand you begin to access that inner state of peace that is alwaysavailable to you.


Sometimes, when you go to your quiet and private innerspace to relax, pray, or meditate, an incredibly intense flow ofjudgmental thoughts fills your mind, and then the time you setaside for that quiet moment is suddenlygone! You find that you now have to returnto the “real” world and get back to work.


Do not berate yourselves when this happens, and do notdecide that taking time out is not worth the effort because youalways get caught up in the inner war with which your thoughtsinvade your mind when you set the intent to be quiet and at peacefor a few minutes.


This is just an egoic ploy to persuade you that you arewasting your time, that meditation, prayer, or quiet contemplationare not for you. Do not be persuaded, thatquiet “down time” is absolutely essential for your wellbeing.


That intended quiet time is the time when you can, for amoment, dissolve the illusion, and be atpeace. You do not have to try, just sitquietly and be aware of the stillness. Trying is an egoic distraction that cannot work, it is the oppositeof relaxing, of allowing. Persist in yourdaily practice, discount all negative self-judgments, just make apoint of sitting quietly each day, regardless of how effective orineffective it may feel.


In this New Age you are receiving enormous assistancefrom those of us in the spiritual realms whose task it is to watchover you and be there for you in everymoment. The Tsunami of Love enveloping youall continues to intensify to encourage and ensure yourawakening. You cannot fail to awakenbecause it is your divine destiny.


You chose to incarnate at this moment in Earth's history,at this point in the illusion, because you chose to come and assistthe vast majority of humanity, that has remained asleep, to awakenfrom their slumber.


This is the time for humanity's inevitable awakening fromthe illusion in which it has been submerged for solong. You who are reading this, and othersimilarly uplifting messages from your guides and mentors in thespiritual realms, are not here by chance. You chose to be here, and you are fully supported in everymoment. Those slight intuitive feelingsyou get that lead you to behave more lovingly are part of your lifeplan.


You planned those intuitive feelings and insights aspersonal reminders because you knew that life in the illusion wasgoing to be difficult because of your amnesic state, and so youplanned to be reminded intuitively from time to time, and toreceive wake up calls so that you would not lose yourway. And you have not lost yourway!


You are proceeding full speed ahead towards the moment ofawakening, just as you planned, and nothing can prevent or derailthat plan. Your awakening, humanity'sawakening, is divinely guaranteed, and therefore it will happen,you can count on it!

你珍愛的兄長,耶穌   Your loving brother, Jesus.

