Greetings, DearOnes! How pleased we are -so pleased - to be in your presence today. We honour you for comingon this magical day of celebration to anchor the energies of thegroup, and, of course, when we say group we mean not only those whoare in the room at this time, but also those who will beexperiencing this transmission on your internet, at a latertime.
We wish you a blessed solstice. What a wondrous timeon your planet. 2014 has been a profound and pivotal year, not onlyfor you individually, but for your entire planet. You have shiftedfrom one age into another and you have done itbrilliantly.
We would like to give you an overview of what hasbeen going on with you, as well as a sneak preview, if you will, ofthe energies of the year you are moving into, and it is ourgreatest pleasure to do so.
You have been experiencing accelerated energiessince mid 2012. You entered into this rapid moving energy with thefirst of the Uranus/Pluto squares that your astrologers have beenspeaking of. This has been a series of astrological events thathave been completely transformative in their nature. We liken theseenergies to being in whitewater rapids. You, in mid 2012, enteredinto the beginning of the rapids and started accelerating. Once youmade it past that pivotal alignment of December 21, 2012, theacceleration was profound.
You have been in these rapids since then. So, let usthink about what that means. When you are in accelerated movementyou are buffeted from all sides. You do not feel straight andsmooth growth. You do not feel a steady, predictable trajectory ofmovement. You go in one direction very quickly and stop and thenthe flow shoves you in another direction very quickly, and itbecomes so fast, so quick, that you become very focused on justholding tight, in just not bouncing out of your boat, so to speak.You may have water thrown in your face, you may feel cold, you maybe uncomfortable, you may feel jarred, you may get bumped into byother passengers in your boat. Everything is churned up. There isno time to pay attention to what other people are doing because ittakes all of your concentration to hold on.
It is unpredictable to be in rapids and when you canbarely see, and are moving so very erratically, it can be difficultto gauge how much progress has been made because you are not evenreally able to watch the scenery as it goes by.
Dear Ones, you are almost out of the rapids, and wewant you to think about what that means. When you reach the end ofa series of rapids the stream widens, and the flow evens out. Itstill moves very quickly but in a smoother, more enjoyableway.
All of a sudden you can start to see your newlandscape. You don't have to hold on as tightly any more. You cansettle down and start to enjoy the journey again. All of a sudden,from this new vantage point, you can see that your new creationsare taking form and that you are actually gettingsomewhere.
Youcan catch your breath, and you can now see who is still in the boatwith you. You feel tired but alive, strangely exhilarated by allyou have been through. You are different, but whole, and amazedwith your resiliency and new state of being.
So, we would say that because you are coming out ofthe end of this period of profound and radical change, that youwill find 2015 to be The Year of Discovery. It will be all aboutlearning what all of this means, now that you are landing in thisbrand new land, in a very different energetic space, yourself. Thisis exciting and momentous for you.
We had called 2014 The Year of BalancedRelationships, and that is very much been what you've been workingon. You've been working on your relationship with self. Self-lovehas been a predominant theme through 2014. Your relationship withself and your relationship with Source have been first and foremostof importance this year, because you cannot create balancedrelationships outside of yourselves until you have created itwithin.
You have had shifts in your friendships, in yourdealings with others. You have moved into greater balance andboundaries with family members. You have learned the art ofacceptance and allowing, in many cases. You have honed yourboundaries. You have forgiven yourselves and others, and encouragedyourselves and others. You have expanded your ideas about love andunity consciousness.
You are evolving and it is showing. You have alsobeen reevaluating your relationship with the planet and with theuniverse, as well, understanding that everything you do sends aripple across the cosmos. All of this has been preparation formoving forward in earnest, so we would say to you that you havedone the work, and you have done it splendidly.
We understand that this has been a long and arduousprocess of purging and releasing. We understand that this has beendifficult, but the wonderful news is that after all the purging andreleasing you have done, you are left with the pure essence of you.You are left with the divine glory of who really are. You will bemoving forward in your truth, in your transparency, in yourintegrity, in your beingness.
You have been cleansed so thoroughly there is no morehiding who you really are. Your insides and your outsides willfinally be matching. It is from that space of beingness, ofself-love and self acceptance, of finally owning your divinity andwalking your purpose, that everything else will reflect that. Itcan be no other way.
Gone are the days of hiding - you simply cannot playsmall any longer. It will be too uncomfortable to try tocompromise, to try to hide, to try to deny who you really are. Wetalk about solstice events as being save points. You have savedyour light , your progress, every step of the way. There is no goingback. There is only moving forward, and moving forward into 2015means finally starting to be your real selves and starting to reapthe fruits of your labour.
It is like an archeological dig. You have seenarchaeologists who have painstakingly swept away debris with thebelief that there was something magnificent below. You have allbeen your own archaeologists, and the purging and clearing that youhave been doing has been to get to the treasure that has been thereall along.
You can never be disappointed with what you discover!Everything is sacred and amazing when you make discoveries duringyour dig, and once you see the glory of what is inside, you willnever again cover it up or hide it. You preserve it, don't you? Youappreciate it. You learn more about it. You share it with othersbecause it is such a wondrous discovery. You are all beautiful,glorious treasures! We have always seen that truth. Now you arestarting to see it is so.
We are so excited to see what you will do with thisbrand new year. It will be fun. You will finally start to see yourabilities. You will finally start to live your truths. People willfinally start to see you for who you really are. People willcomment on your energy, on how shifted you are, on how beautifulyou are.
Be mindful. Be true to who you are. Allow yourselvesto shine. Know that from this actuated place you will be drawing toyou, effortlessly, the experiences that you wish to have. Fromliving in your truth and from shining your light courageously, therejuvenation that you 've been seeking will come. The healing thatsome of you have been searching for will occur.
The divine partnerships will happen. The soul groupsthat some of you have already started reconnecting with, will cometogether with ease, with joyous friendships and relationships thatsupport and uplift each other. The weight of the ascension processwill be lifted. It will start to feel joyful and not as heavybecause there are so many participating in it now.
For many of you, your purposes will change and shift.For many of you who have been part of this process for a very longtime, you will feel like your load has been lifted. You will not befeeling the intense sense of responsibility that so many of youhave carried. It will lighten up. Allow it to expand into its fullglory and understand this shift is likely to involve far more beingthan doing. Whatever you choose to do will be a true match to you,and will be far more joyful as a result.
There is nothing that you need to do other than to beyour splendid self and to discover all of the gifts and treasuresthat already exist within you. What glorious times you are in! Wehonour you for all that you have done. We thoroughly enjoy you inyour human antics. You are so loved, so supported, so celebrated!Go forth joyously and know that you have done magnificent work andthat the fruits of your labour and the next phase of this Shift,are so well deserved.
But before you come out of the energies of thischannel, we ask you to simply open up and receive a divine blessingof love from us today. We are always with you and you will alwayshave everything you need. And with that, we will bid you adieu . Ithas been our great pleasure.
通靈:Shelley Young 翻譯:Nick Chan
通靈:Shelley Young 翻譯:Nick Chan