Bright Hearts, eachof you are loved so much. We are near you each and every day,helping to guide and support you as you meander along the path ofthe journey before you. As you continue on you are met withexperiences from situations that challenge your confidence , whichin turn effects your faith. When you have a strong sense of faith,your confidence is great, you believe you can do anything. And whenyou have faith in your ability, what you are able to accomplish isastounding. Yet it is when you begin to doubt your ability, youbecome insecure and fearful because you enable your faith in ideasand mental imagery that you will not succeed, or be judged byothers. Regardless if you are expressing your faith positively ornegatively, you are expressing faith's energy which will result indifferent emotions being released depending on how you are feelingat the time.
Understand Bright Hearts, that itis faith that upholds the fabric of the cosmos. With faith, youhave the adhesive power to hold things together. Think about howlife would be if you had absolutely no faith in anything. How thenwould things be? Faith is a central part of all that you do eachand every day. From faith, all other essential elements of yourbeing and ability to make things happen flow.
We ask you to reflect on somethingyou have already done and in retrospect you wish you hadn't. If youfocus your faith on that very idea that you wished you didn't dowhat was done, then quite likely you will encourage feelings ofguilt to surface. And if you think of yourself as a bad person,then the energy you give to faith will invoke feelings of shame. Itis important Bright Hearts for you to comprehend that guilt comesfrom something you have done, whereas shame is merely a belief bornfrom what you think about yourself. Your emotions carry strengthand depending on how you are feeling, your faith is either weakenedor strengthened about your Self and the path you are on. When youare working within the powerful force of faith, you have theability to create emotions from deep within yourself , even if thestory that is playing in your mind is not true. But when thesefeelings emerge, you begin to believe the story to betrue.
If you honestly andtruthfully think about it, what you feel about yourself and of yourabilities comes from the various ideas you have ofyourself. You can have twodifferent people but they experience similar trials andtribulations, but one of them has utilized the power of faithpositively while the other interpreted their situation with theconcept of failure which encourages faith to be negative. The onewho understands that the experience was there to help teach them todo better next time, understands the importance of having faith inthemselves, and that they will persevere through love and effort.Yet the dear soul that feels all they ever do is fail and the wholeworld is against them, will have a difficult time moving forwarduntil they redirect their negative thinking and begin to see thelight that is within them that they too must move on, and sometimesthis positive bright light takes an awfully long time to be noticedand they might remain in a repeating cycle that is harmful untilthey can't take it no longer and are willing to apply their faithpositively with uplifting thoughts and feelings of themselves andof their abilities to pull themselves out of any difficultsituation. The actions either person takes will be equal to theamount of faith they had invested positively or negatively. Whatyou believe of yourself makesa big difference on how faith can be impactful.
Whenever you feelshameful, fear, guilt or even discontent about yourself and life ingeneral, understand these feelings come from the amount of energyyou gave supplying yourself with negative, doubtful ideas about whoyou are and of your abilities. These ideas begin to form imagesinto your mind, bending the truth to meet your negative emotionsthat ends up creating inside of you feelings that have youbelieving that those images are real. The emotions you create whenyou applying faith are real, they are not made up, but it is theideas and the images of those beliefs that are false. If you wantto change how you feel about yourself, you need to turn yourthoughts of yourself around and see the positives, rather than thenegatives of who you are as a beautiful son or daughter ofGod.
There are many people among youthat waver in and out with positive faith. When the going getstough, they may allow themselves to be swallowed up by thenegativity of their emotions until something changes that bringsthem out of the murkiness of their darkened thoughts and back ontothe lightened path that has been illuminated by God. To reclaimyour faith from the false beliefs in order to return peace andhappiness into your life, it is your actions and attitude thatneeds to be changed. By making a consistent effort to bring in newbeliefs that are empowering and inspiring, you change the life youwere living into the life your heart truly drawing you towards; thelife you deserve.
You always have achoice Bright Hearts to feel one way or the other about yourself,of others and of life. Just as you have the choice to lean intoGod's embrace in times of strife. You are gifted with the choice tospeak, listen and to see all people as being equal and equallyloved by God and within each of you God lives. If only you couldstop yourself from being judgemental and look deep inside theexteriors of the people around you, and see them for theirdivineness and beauty, then you will be able to see God lookingback at you as a mirror to your Self. By learning to see God inevery person, regardless of their clothing, behaviours, class orany other way to classify your fellow brothers or sisters of God,then you will see just how whole and complete you truly are, thenBright Hearts your Faith would direct you differently…a way that isthrough unconditional love for all people.
Your faith willbecome stronger when you change how you see yourself and from whatyou believe to be true or false of who you are. We know this can bedifficult, but it is you that is the best person for the job toproviding empowerment to your thoughts, feelings and emotions,invoking positive actions for you to take and apply. Allow God toshine through you Bright Hearts and watch how your path changes,positively for the better.
通靈:JulieMiller 翻譯:NickChan