2015年1月13日 星期二



Truth be told, loving others is not the easiest thingin the world to do. If you take the time to honestly and truthfullyreflect what real, true love means; not in theory mind you, but inhow you relate with others and with yourself, you might conjure upnames like the selfless Mother Teresa, the dedicated Martin LutherKing Jr., or even the gentle, yet bold Jesus…there others that havemade a difference with their selflessness and pure love that theygave willingly, without a question to all equally and all actionsthey performed were done with love.


People like these and more didn't look atthe person's appearance to determine if they were worthy oflove. Even the most unlikable person was given unconditional loveas all people are worthy to receive love, without any expectationsin return. Now consider this kind of behaviour in the workplacewith a co-worker that always gets on your nerves; or the neighbourthat is always loud and fuelled with alcohol or influenced bydrugs, people that are different from your way of living and being,can you honestly say you are able to love these people as purely asyou love your family?


Itis true dear ones that to love is a choice only you can make and atthe same time it is greater than any mundane decision as it is anaction and without action it is nothing. Have you ever thought thatlove could be less about emotions and feelings and more aboutdiscipline and focus? If you look at love without the emotionalattachment you often give, in time you will conclude love is morethan mere feelings but more about being willing. Is it possible toshow a little more love in every part of your day, along with amindset of readiness and willingness to have an openheart?


It is more than possible to put your love intoaction, you simply need to learn how to control your habit to judgeothers. Remember dear ones, none of you are perfect. Each dear soulcomes with their own set of flaws and imperfections. We know youhave experienced times when you felt broken. Instead of condemninganother person for their differences or errors, extend yourselfgracefully and enable others by the power of your acceptance ofthem, regardless who they are or what their weaknessesare.


Demonstrating grace and acceptance are not the onlyways to put your love into action. Make it a point to be moreforgiving and less rigid. Is there not enough conflict in theworld? So, why add to it over petty things. Forgive the wrongs doneto you, forgive the wrongs you have done and forgive yourself forputting yourself into a painful position of any particular pastevent...and let it go. Love yourself enough to rid yourself of anydeep-rooted conflict that has caused upset. Let your resentments goby loving yourself and be amazed by the incredible power of loveand how it unfolds before your eyes in ways you neverimagined.


Ifyou look at Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King Jr., or Jesus, youwill see that they didn't discourage other people's dreams. Theywere supportive and helped to strengthen confidence by empoweringothers through wise words and positive, yet loving affirmationsthat they can do anything when they put their whole heart into it.Genuine encouragement can change someone's world and each of youhave this power to make happen when you put love intoaction.


Even if what is being discussed is boring or not yourcup of tea, listen with clarity and focus. Be the ear the otherperson needs, don't tune them out because you know they will askyou a question and you are required to deliver an intelligentresponse soon after. It is rather demoralizing to the one talkingto find out the person they were talking to didn't listen to whatwas important enough for them to share. Show your love by beingfocused in any conversation, leave your opinions elsewhere and letyour love flow through the generosity of your listening skills thatdisplay understanding and empathy from beginning to end.


Some people can be hard to get through to, but theyare still lovable. Keep in mind people are people. Their journey isunique. Their fragilities, their weaknesses are equal in need ofacceptance and belonging. Just because someone is different,regardless what class they could be labelled with doesn't mean theyget to be tore down to fit certain standards. Even if the person isugly, dirty and broken, they deserve to be treated with kindnessand with love.


Look back at what you have done recently and think ifyou any of what you did, including any interaction came from aplace of love before you began. Or did you already form an opinionin your mind, or judgment on how to proceed? Becoming thoughtful tohow you once did things is a good way to make changes to the futureby practicing now, in the present to be more loving in all youractions, all of the time, no matter who the receiver is. Love is inyou to give, so give it—and give it freely and equally to one andall.


IAM Ascended Master, Paul the Venetian

通靈:Julie Miller  翻譯:Nick Chan 

