2018年7月5日 星期四



Dear Ones, when you think about serving the whole, do you see yourself as being part of that whole, or is it everyone else but you? This is a simple thing we invite you to ponder today, for it will quickly let you know if you are still unconsciously keeping yourself separate from your own love and tender care. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young



So many of you choose not to move because you don’t know all the steps or have all the answers. But you cannot find the answers or the next steps until you get into some kind of motion! You don’t have to have it all figured out, Dear Ones. Just move in the direction that feels best to you, and know you can do so without fear, for if you are in surrender and flow you simply cannot make a mistake. Even if you were pointed in the worst possible direction, the flow will come and gather you up and sweep you into the unfoldment that naturally reveals each next step to your perfect matches. You can’t guide something that is not in movement, so surrender and trust that it is safe to figure it out as you go, one now moment at a time. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

