Dear Ones, it is your surrender, trust, and faith that keeps you in your most abundant state of flow, as well as in a state of open acceptance and allowing. They are the vital keys to all that you wish to experience and create. Simply put, if you choose not to stay in your surrendered faith and flow with your trust, you are choosing to keep yourself separate from the stream of endless support and love that is available to you. Trust is both the anchor and the activator that allows the potentials you never knew were available to make themselves known to you and expand your life in the most miraculous ways. ~Archangel Gabriel
When something comes up to be cleared it is a wonderful sign that you are ready to hold more light, to shine more light, to BE the light that you are. Coming into the light means there is an opportunity for healing and wholeness. It is always cause for celebration for it indicates evolution and energetic refinement. ~Archangel Gabriel