2014年10月1日 星期三



There is nothing toworry about as long as you follow the path of your heart. Some ofyou are troubled with their experiences, at those moments you arecreating your reality. That is why, as we always say to you, do notlet your light blow out, be shaded, whatever is happening that youcannot see, understand, try to notice it. Let it be visible withyour inner cognition, not your momentary reactions. The newprojects you will start, the new jobs you will finish, changingrelationships, changing wishes, be aware of it all. As you areaware of your change, emerging from the shell you have shed, seewhat you have left and said yes to. Your path may have led to adead-end, but understand that this is just an illusion; allow youreyes that see beyond the invisible to open up. There is always away. Know that the key that will open all doors is at yourpossession. Call on to us; we are keeping an eye on you, on yourpaths, supporting you in accordance with your desires. For yourhighest good.

愛與光  Love and Light

大天使艾利爾   Archangel Ariel


通靈:Gulcin Onel (MavininSesi)   翻譯:Nick Chan 

