2014年10月15日 星期三

大天使加百利20141012 被知曉為觀察的愛之品質

親愛的一們  BelovedOnes,

讓我們來講述被知曉為觀察的愛之品質  Let us have discourseon the quality of love known as observing.


It is throughobserving how the different aspects of one's self manifest into theworld that one begins to realize that there is nothing moreimportant that one can do for one's self than to give the highestpriority to this process of self-discovery.


This process asksthat one take notice and give consideration to what is going onwithin one's self. It is becoming aware of one's self so that thereis only vigilant watchfulness about everything within one's beingand in one's response to everything outside their being.


Nothing is beyond the scrutiny ofself-observing; every thought, every feeling, every action is upfor careful reflection. It is accomplished by cultivati​​ng an innerreceptivity, an inner listening and an inner alignment to thesignals that one receives from their higher selves.


This guides themthrough every action, decision and choice that they make on a dailybasis. Everyone has within them a deeper, wiser, all-knowing selfwhose heart's desire is to communicate with them.


It requires that oneask one's higher self to come into one'sconsciousness, and then to begin to noticeeverything with a heightened awareness.


When one does thiseach day, by establishing direct contact with thisinner voice, it will signal them in some way or another through thesynchronicities that may show up in their lives.


When one is connectedto this higher aspect of one's self, one observes that one feelsenergized, that one moves through life's challenges with poise andequilibrium, and that one feels secure in what they do.


One operates from aplace of love, which engenders balance and good health within them.They observe that one's truest, heartfelt desires are the feedbackfrom their higher selves; and this allows them to live in aninspired way.


They observe that aligning withtheir higher self brings pure joy. They observe that doing what isaligned with their higher self is recognizable by how good itfeels.
If they feel good,then it is aligned with their higher self. If they feel bad, thenit is not aligned.


By observingeverything in their own lives, they see that those who make acommitted connection with their higher selves truly awaken thegenius within them; and they begin to tap into a limitlessreservoir of creativity, flawless guidance, and intelligence thatis available to them each and every day.


They observe thatthis higher aspect wants them to know that they are powerful, thatthey are stronger than they know. That they, as spiritual beings having a human experience, are constantly ebbingand flowing, expanding, evolving and changing altruistically; andalso becoming more and more aware of who they reallyare.


They are observingthat they are getting to know themselves in a new way and arediscovering parts of themselves that they never knew existed. Theybegin to realize that what they admire most about other people isalready within them, and that they just need to begin to accessit.
They also realize that what theydon't care for in other people is already within them too, and thatthey just need to recognize this and acknowledge it and lay it torest.


They observe thatthey can do whatever they want to do; that when they are authentic,honest and true to their own selves, everything in their lives willunfold naturally as it is meant to be.


They do not apologizefor who they were, who they are, or who they are going to be,knowing and accepting that it is all a part of their lifeexperience and growth process.


They observe thatwhat they or someone else did that brought pain and suffering needsto be truly forgiven because it frees them to start their livesanew.

They observe the needto improve their worst habits, which prohibit forward movement.They take action to change each of them one by one in order toovercome them.
By observing thisprocess, they begin the focus, intention and determination todissolve the bad habits and negative programming so that they beginto move in the direction of their own highest good and highestpotential

They observe that no one is forcing them to do orbelieve anything. They determine to keep an open mind, knowing thatlimiting beliefs ingrained within them from their past will keepthem from fully connecting with their higher selves, and restrictthem from experiencing all the goodness of life.
They make adetermined and consistent effort to let these beliefs go. Each daythey focus on one positive momentum they would like to work on andmake a commitment to integrate it throughout their day.


They are observingthat as they go through their day and express their gratitude forall the wonderful things that surround them and happen to them,allowing it to fill their hearts, that it opens the doorway to ajoyful connection to their unlimited selves.


They keepcentered in the heart as much as possible and focus on peace andharmony. It is a place of equilibrium where one is more able toaccess the wisdom of their higher selves.


They observe with acalmness of spirit that staying neutral is a state in which theyare in balance, with their emotional responses, to what ishappening around them.
They have learnedthat they can only connect with their higher selves when they arein the present moment and have let go of the past and of projectinginto the future.

Letting go also meanssurrendering all their fears, worries and insecurities; trusting inGod and the universe that everything will work out.

By going within andfocusing their attention, they allow their own innate inner wisdomto flow into their awareness. This brings a more peaceful, joyfuland harmonious existence in their daily lives.


As I takemy leave, I ask that each person makes a daily habit of observingall that is good in their lives and give gratitude forit.

我是大天使加百利  I AM ArchangelGabriel

