2014年10月20日 星期一



Greetings belovedones I am the energies that are referenced to you as GOD and I amhere to explain and to move and shift your energy signature uponPlanet Earth at this time. Much is moving into fluidity and as thisfluidity begins to flow then many of you may feel as if you aredrowning within your human life experience. This flow is therelease of the deeply constrictive and destructive structures thathave sought to contain the evolution of a species foreternity. The New Earth energies now increase andexpand in order that fluidity reaches levels of FLOW and not justlevels of movement. This will see vast changes upon Planet Earthand vast changes within the human race in general.


Flow is achieved bybeing in the NOW moment of each moment, the human logical mindinterprets FLOW as something “terrible” that must be stopped at allcosts and this results in a stand off if you will internally. FLOWis the natural ebb and flow of energies which JUSTIS . You cannot stop FLOW as you cannot stop ariver flowing and yet many of you at this time are attempting to dojust this.


I place the followingcoding within the energy signature of ALL at this time and ask YOUTO BREATHE FULLY in the NOW moment:

黃金  GOLD
粉色  PINK
33 22 77


I place the DOVE ofPEACE within your HEART SPACE and ask that you allow PEACE to beginto FLOW through, around and within ALL areas of this your humanlife experience. I place the GOLD ANKH of eternallife within the SOLAR PLEXUS and ask you to understand that theenergy that YOU ARE in TRUTH is vast and in constant movement andFLOW by its very nature.

一切都是如此  ALL JUST IS and YOUARE


BREATHE and BE forthe outer waking reality must now move also into full fluidity,from the very static picture you have been taught exists to thenatural ebb and FLOW and shifts and changes that JUSTARE.


I am the energiesthat are referenced to you as GOD and I walk with youalways.

