2015年8月22日 星期六



Having read of the significant changes that are said tobe manifesting at the end of September, you are cautiouslyapproaching it. We know that many of you are eagerly waiting to seewhat happens, when you will be moving through a higher and purerfield of energy. Caution is wise in any event as with the best ofintentions information is given to you in all good faith, only forthe circumstances to sometimes change. Many may experience thischange and more are certain by the end of the year, includingportals that will open and raise the consciousness of Humanity. Wewill not be unduly surprised as to whatever happens, as the changesare destined to take place very soon. More will certainly follow asthe New Age begins to become established. However, do not expecttoo much too soon, as there is much work to be done in particularto distribute the funds. Even by our standards it will take sometime to reach you all, yet it will be judged as an exceptionalachievement by you. We have planned wellfor this time and are well prepared for what liesahead.  

以你們的標準看,我們擁有著無窮的資源隨時執行我們的工作,所以你們能夠確信一旦事情得到真實的落實會是巨大的飛躍。很多年來這一直是對你們的承諾,且我們稱讚你們的耐心。我們同時在緊密監督黑暗勢力,對此我們已經做了很多年。我們將予以解釋,在我們的能力之下阻止了另一次世界大戰,那幾乎在你們上個世紀末的某個時刻隨時可能發生。正如我們在過去解釋過的,我們不得不讓某些局勢自然的完成。我們無法干預的是--你們自己行為的後果,除非更高的靈性層授權。 你們中的一些人擔憂著家人或朋友,看似的情形是他們並不了解結束時刻的重要性。我們以最仁慈的方式請你們不要擔心,因為在揚升的一開始,所有靈魂 ​​都會切實的存在於他們注定要在的地點。你們無法改變他們的未來,因為他們已經做出自己的決定,即便他們還無法回想起來。通過自身的振動你們會發現自己處在對於你持續的進化正確的道路上,因為你在發掘返回神聖之光的道路。請確信,這些在經歷艱難時刻的靈魂是在提升著自己,且被給予了每一份幫助向真理醒悟。和所有靈魂 ​​一樣,他們被以愛和仁慈對待。對於你們中那些清楚自己已準備好揚升的人,我們請你們在被需要的時候提供協助,而你也能夠判斷採用哪種層次的標準。

By your standards we have unlimited resources to callupon to carry out our tasks, so you can be assured of great stridesonce things really get under way. It is what you have been promisedfor many years and we commend you for your patience. Meantime wekeep the dark Ones in check as we have done so for many years. Wewould explain that in terms of our ability to prevent another WorldWar, that would most likely have commenced sometime in the latterpart of your last century. As we have explained previously, we haveto leave certain situations to be played out naturally. We cannotinterfere with the consequences of your actions, unless the HigherAuthorities allow it. Some of you are concerned about family or friends whoseem to be unaware of the significance of the end times. We wouldask you in the kindest way not to be concerned as all souls will beexactly where they are meant to be by the beginning of Ascension.You cannot change their future for them, as they have already madetheir decision even if they cannot recall it. By your vibrationsyou will find yourselves on a path that is correct for yourcontinued evolution, as you find your way back to the Light. Beassured that those souls who have difficulty in lifting themselvesup, are given every help to awaken to the truth. They are treatedwith love and kindness as all souls are. For those of you who knowthat you are ready to ascend, we ask that you give help where it isneeded, as you will be able to judge which level touse. If not already, we believe that before very long many ofyou will “feel” the changes in the vibrations but if not it doesnot mean that you are not benefitting from them. You need toremember that as a collective you are made ​​up of souls that are atmany different levels of evolution. This is why evolution on Earthoffers a quicker way to progress. Yet it is always a two edgedsword as you can also go astray more easily.

如果還沒準備好,我們相信在不久之後你們中的許多人會“感受到”這些振動層面的改變,但如果不是也並不意味著你們沒有從中受益。你們需要回想起作為一個集體,你們都是處於許多不同進化層次的類別不同的靈魂。這也是為何地球上的進化提供了一條更為快速的方式去完成。然而,這也總是一把雙刃劍,因為你也可能更輕易的誤入歧途。如果你感到還未準備好揚升,也不要責備自己,因為你擁有自己喜歡的足夠長的時間去發展,畢竟事實上,並沒有“時間”這種事物存在。【一切皆在當下】,這意味著你能夠最終在時間中向前,向後。當你進入到更高的維度中時便能夠更輕易的明白。確實的情形是它會回答你們此刻的許多問題。 偉大的覺醒正在發生,且由於時間的流逝,越來越多的靈魂將回應這不斷沁入的更高振動。清楚的是,你們將逐步了解這些轉變並樂意從更低的層面提升而出。整體的影響將會是這些強大能量的蜂擁而至,其結果便是給地球帶來更多的光,且會持續下去直到它最終佔據絕對優勢。不過,我們必須呼籲你們---全面的支持這股神聖之光,並儘自己所能確保它盡可能的傳播。總是把你自身的焦點放在目標上,不要被你們周圍發生的任何事情影響,陷入恐懼。

 If you feel unready toascend do not admonish yourselves as you have as long as you liketo progress, as in reality there is no such thing as time. All isin the Now meaning you can eventually go backwards or forwards intime. You will understand more easily when you have moved into thehigher dimensions. Indeed it will answer many questions that younow have . The “Great Awakening is taking place and as time passesso more and more souls will respond to the higher incomingvibrations. Clearly you will gradually become aware of the changesand pleased to be lifted up out of the lower ones. The overalleffect will be the sharing of powerful energies resulting in evenmore Light being brought to Earth, and so it shall continue untilit reigns supreme. However, we must call upon you to fully supportthe Light and do your part to ensure it is spread far and wide.Always keep your focus on your goal and do not become fearfulregardless of what is occurring around you. 

請記住,在這更低的維度中你已工作和體驗了億萬年的人生,且明白著最終自己會獲得機會再次提高。而這個時機便是現在,我們仰賴著光之工作者們幫助把全新的能量帶入成型。肯定的是,你們將能夠更快速的發展,此刻光照派的能力已嚴重削弱。在控制地球人口的詭計中有如此多是他們已無法再成功的事實,並丟失著自己奴役他人的身份。所以就在這一生,你們即能夠實現自己的計劃,且明白你們擁有一次獲得成功的絕佳機會。 很快你們將能夠鑑別出那些化身在地球之上的銀河存有,通過他們的行為和話語。他們將在自己的工作中變得更公開,且明白著能比較安全的確認出自己的身份。當光之工作者們走到一起,他們的力量將以兩倍或是更多的基數增加,並且他們代表著一個實力強大的團隊,在所有的時刻中持續成長。你們會發現自己的領導人在他們中間,與你們分享他們卓越的知識。事實上,他們將得到更高靈性存有的支持,祂們也會給予自己最為卓越的知識提供協助。所以你們瞧,一旦事情得以開始,迅捷的發展將接二連三的到來。

Bear in mind that you have worked for eons of timeexperiencing life in the lower dimension, knowing that ultimatelyyou would have the opportunity to rise up again. That time is nowand we rely upon Lightworkers to help bring the new energies intobeing. Certainly you will be able to progress far more quickly nowthat the Illuminati have had their power severely reduced. So muchso that they can no longer succeed in their plan to control thepopulation of Earth, and reduce their status to one of slaves. Soyou can go ahead with your plan for this lifetime, knowing that youhave a marvellous opportunity to succeed. Soon you shall become able to identify Galactic Beingswho have incarnated upon Earth by their actions and words. Theyshall become more outward in their work knowing that it iscomparatively safe to be recognised for what they represent. WhenLightworkers come together their power increases two fold or more,and they present a formidable group that continues to grow all ofthe time. You will find your leaders amongst them who will sharetheir advanced knowledge with you. In turn they will be supportedby Higher Beings who will also give the benefit of their mostadvanced knowledge. So you can see that once matters start toquicken advances will take place in quick succession. 


The Galaxy has waited for signs that show the Earth isrising up, and thanks to your dedication it is accepted that suchprogress has been achieved and that its continued success isguaranteed. In the Greater Plan all proceeds well so do not letnegative reports or actions in any way lessen your determination tosucceed in your work. Where things seem to have been affected bynegative actions, please bear in mind that not everything is as itappears on the surface. Sometimes karmic situations are the resultof actions long since passed. Simply consider that necessarylessons are being learnt that need to be cleared, because theycannot be carried forward. The New Age is a time of cleansing thatwill ensure that all of the lessons will have been brought to aconclusion and finalised.

Thank you SaLuSa.    MikeQuinsey

