2015年8月15日 星期六


何的限定。 處於崇敬這不斷流動著的強大能量中,今年3重8的獅子星座門戶的開啟,我獲得鼓舞分享這篇奇妙的,來自大天使加百利關於數字8的信息。 在獅子座門戶強力影響的期間,我們所有人都獲得了機會去體驗純淨意識的生命流動。我一直稱呼它為【一切創造的河流】,因為它持有著源自於造物主的無限潛能。正是這同樣的神聖之光通過獅子座門戶傾瀉如注降臨在我們身上。 這份神聖的光芒在7月26日之後變得更為強大,而且對於我們所有人來說很好的情形是回想起這份神聖愛與智慧的可愛臨在,在任何時候對我們都是可能的,校准我們自身面向這份神聖的能量,於其中我們生活,行動並表達著我們自己。

When you dedicate your life to God, you move into thelifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are nolimitations. In honor of the continuing powerful energies of thisyear's rare triple 8 Lion's Gateway Activation, I'm inspired toshare this amazing #8 message from Archangel Gabriel. During this potent Lion's Gateway, we all have been giventhe opportunity to experience the Lifestream of Pure Consciousness.I have been calling it the River of all Creation, because it holdsthe infinite potential of God. This is the same Divine Light thathas been pouring through the portal of the Lion's Gateway tous. The Divine Light has been stronger since July 26, but itis good for us all to remember that this loving presence of DivineLove and Wisdom is available any time we align ourselves to theDivine energy in Whom we live, move and have ourbeing.


While we are in the portal of Divine Light, it is a goodtime for us to set empowered and prayerful intentions for ourselvesand for all beings on Earth. For instance: 

祈禱文: 願所有人在他們的心中喚醒深度的愛和智慧。願這個世界上的所有水源都得到淨化,被允許得到自由並發現神聖的平衡。願樹木得到榮耀和尊重,因為這些生命所提供給我們的。 願這個世界上所有的領導人都在自己的心中發現愛和智慧,以神聖且完美的方式擔當起他們的職責。願所有的動物都獲得祝福,得到細心的照料,並因為它們向這個世界所提供的一切得到尊重。願所有人類都在地球上生活於平衡中。 願我們所有人都伴隨著美麗的提醒得到祝福,生活在神聖創造的流動中!

May all beings awaken to the depth of love and wisdomwithin their hearts. May all the waters of the world be purified,allowed to be free and find sacred balance. May the trees behonored and respected for the life that they offer us. May all the world leaders find wisdom and love in theirhearts and take care of their responsibilities in Divine andperfect ways. May all the animals be blessed, cared for, andrespected for all that they give to the world. May all of humanitylive in balance with the Earth. May we all be blessed with beautiful reminders and livein the flow of Divine Creation! 

來自大天使加百利的信息親愛的朋友: 當你把自己的生命奉獻給神,一種表達便發生了。這時你的能量場會擴展,這個物質世界的限制也開始下落。你感到輕盈,提升,更多的喜悅。你的心中迴響著一種更深層次的真相。你開始在一種更高的意識覺知上操作。這份全新的覺知帶給你一種更為啟蒙的觀點和遠景進入你的生命中。 能夠處於一種倍受啟蒙的觀點領域是一份奇妙無比的感受。轉眼之間你以全新的眼光去看待自己的世界。你的態度變得愛與慈悲,同時你更能原諒那些以平常來說會讓你心煩意亂的情形和局勢。正是這份對你來說可行的恩典,來自於神聖的源頭。它也總是可被你觸及,並體現出一種能量頻率提高的續流,或是純淨的意識。

The Gabriel Messages #8 Dear One, When you dedicate your life to God, an expansion occurs.When your energy fields expand, the limitations of the physicalworld begin to drop away. You feel lighter, uplifted, more joyful.Your heart resonates at a deeper level of truth. You begin tooperate at a higher level of awareness. This new awareness bringsyou a more enlightened perspective on your life. It is a wondrous feeling to be in a place of enlightenedperspective. All of a sudden you look at your world with new eyes.Your attitude is one of love and compassion, and you become moreforgiving of situations that would normally have upset you. This isthe grace available to you from the Divine Source. It is alwaysavailable to you and exists as a stream of heightenedenergy-frequency , or Pure Consciousness. 

你要如何才能觸及到這種提高的覺知層次?通過祈禱和與你更高自我的交流,通過連接萬物一切的愛之源頭,也可以通過釋放所有的束縛,那些限制著你的想法和生活中的頭腦意識來實現。 有如此多的人把自己的想法限定在盒子中。因為事情的展現彷彿存在著某種方式,而他們卻認為其中含有著真相。天使們就在這裡,向你展現看待生命的其他方法,一種總是與真理的更偉大層面相呼應的方法,在其中愛與和諧是你能夠顯現出的品質。當你深深呼吸的時候,觀想你的能量場不斷擴展,這時你便在允許這一真相的更偉大層次向你展現,也存在著可能的機會讓你看清“更大的畫面”,如果你希望的話。而祈禱也總是會得到回答。 當你祈禱自己開啟生命中一扇更偉大能量層的大門時。這一純淨的潛能能量便已成為了可能,讓你得以把自己的生命轉而面向“神”。我們稱呼它為一種“生命續流”,因為正是這股能量活躍在你的生活,行為和你擁有的存在中。它是你的本質,因為你也屬於一切萬有的部分。當你回想起這份真理,並抽出自己的時間與你內在更高的力量交流,限制就已逐步的減少。

How do you reach this heightened state of awareness?Through prayer and communion with your Higher Self, by connectingto the loving Source of all that is, and by breaking free of thebonds which limit your thoughts and conscious awareness oflife. So many people contain their thoughts in limiting boxes.Because things appear to be a certain way, they believe it to betruth. The Angels are here to show you another way of looking atlife, one in which there always exists a greater level of truth,and where love and harmony are the qualities you can manifest. Whenyou breathe deeply and visualize your energy-field expanding, youare allowing this greater level of truth to become apparent to you.It becomes even easier if you ask your guardian Angel to show it toyou. Asking is a form of prayer, and there is opportunity availableto see the "larger picture" if you want to. Prayers are alwaysanswered. When you pray you open the door for a greater level ofenergy to work in your life. This is the pure potential energy thatbecomes available to you as you turn your life over to God. We callit a Lifestream because this is the energy in which you live, moveand have your being. It is the essence of you, because you are apart of All that Is. When you remember this truth, and giveyourself time to commune with the Higher Power within you,limitations drop away. 

練習: 現在,抽出時間把你的生命奉獻給神。想像這股純淨意識的生命流動環繞你,流經你處於愛與光的河流中。請欣然的放下你限制性的信念,如此那些神奇的美好才能夠在你物質化的世界中開始顯現。有時表面的情形是---彷彿只有一份奇蹟展現才能在你面臨的局勢中帶來不同。請允許這即將的發生以自然的結果呈現,總是記得神聖之靈確實在負責你的生活。 為了協助你天使存有總是可被呼叫的,在祈禱的時候便已靠近。請向一種全新的方式敞開你自己---看到在你的世界中那存在著豐富的愛,喜悅與和諧。當你回想起今天來自天使的信息時,所有這些都是可能的。 當你把自己的生命奉獻給神,你便進入到純淨意識的生命續流中,在這裡不存在任何的限定。

Practice Right now, take the time to dedicate your life to God.Imagine this Lifestream of pure consciousness flowing around andthrough you in rivers of love and light. Be willing to have yourlimiting beliefs drop away so that miracles can occur for you inyour physical world. Sometimes it might appear as though only amiracle can make the difference in your situation. Allow this tooccur as the natural result of remembering the Divine Spirit thatis really in charge of your life.The Angels are available to assist you, as close as aprayer. Open yourself to a new way of seeing your world where love,joy and harmony abound. All this is possible when you remember yourAngel message today. When you dedicate your life to God, you move into thelifestream of Pure Consciousness where there are nolimitations. 

由 Shanta Gabriel 於2015年8月9日傳遞    譯者U2覺醒

