2015年8月12日 星期三

摩西 20150803 我們完成了我們的工作


Dream, in the night after the Light Reading (6/26/2015), when the “Crystal Cube of Ascension” was presented: I receive the news that a very close friend during my school and boarding school time has been shot. This friend was 5 years older than myself and at that time he was a great example for me. Yet this individual is a typical example of a 3D entity, which manages quite well on that level, knows how to behave cleverly and knows how to gain one's own benefits, yet has always shunned substantial fundamental insights – foremost for himself – and as I know shuns it until today. (End of dream)


Beloved Ones,I guide you from slavery into the Light! I prepare the path from dependency to freedom for you! I am omnipresent on this earth and I am amongst human Beings, from the very beginning of time.

我是摩西   I am MOSES

親愛的兄弟姐妹們   Beloved Brothers, Beloved Sisters!


In this and in the messages, which still follow, you encounter neither the Biblical Moses nor the consciousness of the Biblical Moses. I meet you here and today as an awakened and perfected entity, as an Ascended Master, who rushes to aid you, so that you may liberate yourself from the imprisonment of this matrix, from the clutches of this time. Thereby you encounter the strengthening energy, which emanated from the Prophet and this energy is supplemented with the knowledge and the consciousness, which the Prophet has gained in the meantime.


Since ancient times I have been and I am a servant for this mankind and I will not leave my by God assigned position in this world, until all human Beings have returned into the Light. I am one of the Ascended Masters, which perform this service in this world. And all of us, human Beings, as well as subtle entities, know each other from eternity and we know each other from many common times as siblings on earth.


Together we have crossed timelines, which go back thousands of years, and which we got behind us.Thereby an inseparable bond of affection, of trust and of love between us has been linked; this is an intimacy and closeness, which can only develop between entities, which together have encountered and passed a multitude of litmus tests.

最後的試金石   Last Litmus Test


Now the moment has come for the last of all “litmus tests”. Thereby we leave together the level of darkness and together we enter into the Light. Like once in Egypt, which serves me here as a metaphor, we will also turn our backs to darkness and turn toward the Light; because this matrix shall no longer exercise power over us and we will no longer transfer power to it, no matter in which manner. Therefore Jahn's dream clearly points the way, shows the direction, where it goes, after the “Crystal Cube of Ascension” has been manifested and has been activated.

3D矩陣熄滅!   The 3D Matrix extinguishes!


The picture of the “shot fellow student” shows that something comes totally unexpectedly and suddenly ceases to exist. This fellow student incorporates symbolically the 3D world. The shot points to the fact that time ends abruptly and that any identification with this timeline can suddenly be ended. Yet this “violent death” also shows that the decoupling from this world or the overcoming of it, whereby we uplift ourselves at first, occurs due to certain very radical measures.


The life, our life, changes from one moment to the next, which is the message of this dream picture, and we have to be whole-heartedly ready for it.

此刻的戰鬥  Fights of this Time


Until then it is necessary to draw the greatest benefit from these “fights of this time” and from the “fights with one's own shadows”. And this consists of the fact that we see ourselves as unmovable observers, that we allow everything, and thereby we neither avoid the fight nor do we demand it.


The energy of the fight is an essential part of the 3rd dimension and as long as an entity has his consciousness condensed there, it is necessary to react adequately to it. The denial of what is means to ignore laws, until one is overtaken by it .


Meaning, do not avoid inner nor outer fights! And when you do it, it must also clearly show it and portray itself correctly.Here it is necessary to appear in your wisdom and make clear decisions. This world does not heal, whereby you do nothing against these conditions! And this means to create the kingdom of peace within self and start to carry it into the world.


Never ask how the reaction of your ego or the echo from your fellow human Beings falls out, instead always ask yourself only this:Is this action at this moment the right one?Does my plan agree with my unique divine assignments?


It is necessary to make every decision on this basis.Neither inner nor outer resistances should keep you back! The victory is yours, as you help your awakened consciousness in this world to a breakthrough, so that Light and Love may flow.Your hearts and this world need those urgently.

保持清醒,保持準備  Remain awake, and remain ready!

這裡我說的不是“戰鬥模式”,而是“覺醒模式”,並做好準備。這是一個巨大的不同!因為內在的平和應該總是盛行,愛應該統治。外在你應該像有意識的神一樣行為,對熟悉3D4D世界的情況和法則的人來說 : 出於果斷的行為,戰鬥,而不是內在充滿仇恨的戰士,情況被克服,這個矩陣可以被留下。

Here I do not speak of the “mode of fighting”, instead of the “mode of awakening” and being ready. This is a grave difference! Because within you peace shall always reign and love shall rule. Yet out of yourself you shall act like conscious Gods, to whom the conditions and the laws of a 3D and 4D world are familiar.
Due to decisive action, due to fighting, without becoming a hate-filled warrior on the inside, conditions are overcome and this matrix can be left behind.

關於戰鬥   About Fighting


At this point it is time to point to a circumstance and a widely distributed misunderstanding among light entities. It is the circumstance that many light warriors leave the field to the dark warriors without a fight. I say to you:
Fighting is noble as they are based on noble motives. And noble is a motive as you are forced to take up a fight, and as you never slide into hate on the battlefield of this world.


As you remove eventual impurities in thinking, feeling and acting after work done, then you have passed the test, which every fight imposes on you.
The wise fighter remains immovable on the inside, remains peaceful and prudent, even if he is called to destructive actions.


The 3D matrix is​​ uncovered as illusion due to the decisive action of mature, peaceful, and wise and inside healed human Beings! And the light warriors of the first and last hours have in great numbers subscribed to these assignments.Be aware of them! Still today.


Put off your reservation, because the dark powers are only as successful, because the light warriors do not oppose them out of falsely understood healing and love concepts.
Put a stop to darkness! You are the Light yourself! Recognize your strength! Recognize your power!


Do not back off! Remain loyally devoted to your assignments! Walk with God through the rows of the dark powers and conquer the kingdom of Heaven, whereby you do not back off from the i mpossible, because you are aware of the unlimited possibilities of creation .


Every seemingly hopeless situation has a way out, because the path of a light warrior is bordered with miracles. Even the darkest place on earth becomes Light, and out of inexhaustible hate comes Love, due to your presence – in a time, which is now fulfilling. It means: Never consider yourself too “good” to take up your light sword or to raise your voice and to step into the ring! Whoever leaves the field without a fight or leaves it to others, has already lost. Therefore as you are guided into a fight, m​​eaning, as you shall take up a fight, and then do it! Yet always examine your intentions, your own motives and clear any such situation with your inner soul knowledge!


You must be at the right place at the right time, to do the right thing at the right time and you shall never let arbitrariness rule or follow a low instinct in you. Not every “war” is your war, not every issue is your issue, and it is not necessary to take up every fight! Distinguish clearly, because each one of us is put, where God wants him to be and is outfitted with the necessary means and with the appropriate tools, so that he can fulfill his divine assignments. Never let yourself be hurried by anyone to do anything! At all times be the supreme ruler in your life! Determine for yourself, what is good and what is dispensable, what is necessary and what is insignificant.


What for the one is all-important, is an unimportant exercise for the other one. In short: recognize your place, recognize your hour, and recognize the moment, when you shall be present in your Light, conspicuous for all.


It is significant to understand, the old matrix of 3D, surrounding you, dies and must die! Yet first of all this world already must have died within self. At first this is an inner process. Your ascension will occur once you enter into your inner world and you uplift yourself above self. And for it, it is necessary that you are ready for it, that you uplift yourself, that you integrate the high energies of the 5th dimension and you can hold them.


Then it is the day, like in the allegory of the dream mentioned in the beginning, when the 3D world breaks apart and the day has come, when it ceases to exist for you; the world around you changes, because you are changed.

親愛的一們   Beloved Ones!


We have spent many lives together in Lemuria or in Atlantis. We are the “Great Old Ones” of the first days and we are the “Great Wise Ones”, who are passing the last days of this mankind now.

我們完成了我們的工作   We complete our Work


Today we complete what needs to be finished and we create God's kingdom in this world, entirely according to the image of those first days, as we were deeply joined with Mother Earth due to our Light and due to our Love.Nobody among the unconscious human Beings can correctly assess or evaluate the dimension of your work.How honored and respected your service and you are in the universe of the Light, only Heaven knows this and all those, who have entered into Heaven before you.

我是摩西   I am Moses.


I am the energy, which joins you with the new earth.


I am the strength, which prepares you for the new earth, so that you may anchor yourself there, whereby you may merge with the Light of your home and with the siblings, which expect you beyond the veil.


I strengthen you and I walk ahead of you.As you wish it, I stand by you, until the ocean parts again and you can enter into the world of the Light.


Never did you have to stand on your own feet alone and you never will be, because the great number of Ascended Masters has entered into this world!I am one of them from this circle, who we create new out of old; awaken the dead to life and answer hate with love.


The course of this world changes in these days.So it is.

通靈:Jahn J Kassl   翻譯:Nick Chan

