2015年8月5日 星期三


神聖的臨在: 請幫助我感受您的愛充盈我的心靈,並以撫慰的方式驅離我頭腦中不
經意間升起的恐懼。帶著與我內在指引的深度連接,請增加我的能力和信心去描繪我生命的方向。 在所有的局勢之下,請向全新的可能和充滿創造性的解決方案開放我的意識,不論它們看似如何都無關緊要。允許我真切的明白,在我所採取的每個步驟下我都受到著保護,並且伴隨著神聖之愛的恩典進行著。那便是如此。

Divine Presence: Help me to feel your Love filling my heart and soothingaway the fears that rise unbidden in my mind. Increase my Faith andmy ability to chart my life's course with a deep connection to myinner guidance. Open my mind to new possibilities and Creative Solutionsin all situations, no matter how they look. Allow me to Know trulywith every step I take that I am protected and that I proceed withthe Grace of pure Divine Love. And so it is.


Your job is to have no attachment to the appearance ofdisharmony but to hold to the Love within all things. 

親愛的你: 深入你的內在,以及你周圍的一切都是【神聖的愛】。當你從關於這個世界所顯現之表面情形的分心干擾的想法中獲得自由的時候,更容易回憶起這份真理。即便是你處於一種局勢中,它顯得如此令人沮喪,請在你的心中深深的知曉--造物主的愛存在於一切萬物之中。當你回憶起這份更高的智慧,外在世界所顯現的情形將沒有選擇,只能落入你意圖焦點的秩序中。 在量子物理學的研究中這已成為了一種科學上的真相,便是原子場的粒子在科學家們的意圖指向那裡的時候安排它們自身處於形態中。(譯者:即著名的“雙峰實驗”)在這個意圖的焦點成型之前,粒子曾是能量波的狀態處於無限的潛能中。許多的書籍已描述過這個過程細節的情形。這一無限潛能的場域,等待著你意圖的焦點,正是為何你們的想法是如此的充滿著力量。這也是為何你們能夠通過【持有住一份你意圖它發生的觀點】創造出你們全新的現實。

Dear One, Deep within you and all around you is Divine Love. Whenyou are free from distracting thoughts about the surface appearanceof the world, it is easier to remember this truth. Even if you arein a situation that appears to be upsetting, know deeply in yourheart that God's Love exists within all things. When you rememberthis higher wisdom, the outer world of appearances has no choicebut to fall in line with your focus of attention. It has become a scientific truth in the study of quantumphysics that the particles of atomic fields arrange themselves intoform when the focus of the scientist's attention is there. Beforethis focus of attention, the particles were waves of energy withunlimited potential. Many books have been written which describethis process in detail. This field of unlimited potential, waitingfor your focus of attention, is why your thoughts are so powerful.This is why you can create your new reality by holding a vision ofwhat you want to see happen. 

練習: 宇宙將根據你的想法創造出你的現實,是否你 ​​傾注於焦點都是如此,所以擁有一份有意識的覺知去面對你選擇創造的未來是十分有效的。在你的頭腦中請想像一個充滿愛的世界,把你關注的焦點作為“已呈現的真實”放在上面,那麼你將獲得它。請明白與造物主一同合作,一切都是可能的。這就意味著,這個世界可能處於和平與和諧的生活中,讓所有人都獲得足夠的食物,變得健康,且一切眾生都能夠生活在充滿喜悅的豐饒中。不管表面的現象顯得如何完全相反,這都是應對著全體人類的【神聖意志】。 你們最深度的信念將影響這個過程。很好的情形是意識到那些與你所持有的未來觀點相反的潛意識想法。你們的思維便是這個載具,與這個概念保持對齊,創造出一個為你自己和所有其他人的愛與和平的世界。請明白宇宙中一個最偉大的真相是---造物主存在於所有的情形中,而神聖之愛也包含在萬物之中。在你的想法中持有這一造物之愛的力量,尋求一種你所需要的奇蹟,並允許宇宙之愛的臨在展現給你一個現實,此中,和諧與美麗是所存在的全部。

Practice: The universe will be creating your reality according toyour thoughts, whether you are paying attention or not, so having aconscious awareness of the future reality you choose to create isvery potent. Imagine a world of Love in your thoughts, focus yourattention on this as truth, and you shall have it. Know that withGod all things are possible. This means it is possible for theworld to live in Peace and Harmony, for all people to have enoughfood to be healthy, and that all can live in joy-filled Abundance .Despite appearances to the contrary, this is Divine Will for allhuman beings. Your deepest beliefs will affect this process. It is goodto be aware of the subconscious thoughts that run contrary to yourfuture visions. Your thoughts are the vehicle to create a world ofLove and Peace for yourself and all others in alignment with thisidea. Know that one of the greatest truths in the universe is thatGod exists in all circumstances and Divine Love is within allthings. Hold your mind on the power of God's Love, ask for amiracle if you need it, and allow this Universal Presence of Loveto show you a reality where Harmony and Beauty are all thatexist. 

請記住今天來自大天使加百利的信息: 你的工作是不要粘附在任何表象的不和諧之上,而是持有住在萬物之中都包含著愛的這份觀點。

Remember your message from Archangel Gabriel today: Your job is to have no attachment to the appearance ofdisharmony but to hold to the Love within all things.


譯者U2覺醒   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b9a886d70102vjb8.html

