2015年8月18日 星期二

摩西 20150813 永生的ABC


The ABC of eternal life begins on this earth, whereby human Beings encounter the challenges of one's life in unconditional trust in God.

A.)無條件地奉獻於神   A.) Unconditional devotion to God.

B.)無條件地信任神    B.) Unconditional trust in God.

C.)無條件的愛與神統一   C.) Unconditional love in unity with God.


I am Moses! I am amongst you and our siblings of the Light, who have ascended to God –the Ascended Masters, in Eternity, surround me.


Today, on the day, when great healings occur, you will be acquainted with the unconditional devotion to God. What does this always recurring request contain, this in many varieties repeating message?


To be unconditional means to be free of expectations, free of opinions, free of ideas of how something should be or has to become. To give oneself means to totally devote oneself to a process, to be whole and to go toward the whole. To devote oneself unconditionally toward God means to turn over one's entire being to God and to be in peace with every result, with every turn in one's life, because consciousness knows that everything is good the way it is.


Can you fulfill these requests without inner resistance? Can you also trust God unconditionally? It is a trust, which has been acquired in many lifetimes of separation from God. After all earthly concepts have been lived and a human Being recognizes that true satiation is attained differently, that genuine fulfillment is manifested differently and may be found somewhere else, reversion sets in and a human Being turns back.


Today some human Beings find themselves at this point of the journey and their number grows. Thereby God and the relationship to God gain new significance.The binding to God is reestablished and more and more human Beings experience unity in God's Love today. This is the direct way toward the zero hour, the awakening of human Beings.


To return to the unity in God's Love is the basic prerequisite before one may start to change the world or to liberate it.

為什麼?   Why?

神之愛的統一  Unity of God's Love


Today many say they possess love toward “their God”. Yet this love to “their” God only brings forth injustice, fosters fanaticism and creates wars. The love to God therefore is clearly not sufficient in order to bring peace to mankind. As soon as one understands that love also always includes unity, this situation changes. Love to God without including the oneness of all life is then incomplete and is a mistake. And today this “mistake” is being recognized; gradually this perception of Love changes, this image of God changes.More and more human Beings experience today what it means to be in Love and in oneness with God, and the limited allocations dissolve.


This occurs based on suffering events, which occur at this time due to a false relation to God and portray the exact opposite to the reality described here. Extremely religious upheavals and aberrations appear in this end time and thereby it is possible for you to recognize, which mistake continues here in the history of mankind and it is possible for you to entirely consciously decide for the opposite. Due to pictures of separation, which cannot be suppressed, you can entirely consciously decide for Love in God's unity.


The most significant characteristic of this time is that darkness and evil blatantly manifest. It no longer appears covertly, or it no longer hides behind a hidden symbolism, instead it becomes obvious.This occurs so that you can entirely decisively and consciously speak out against it and decide for the Light.


Recognize thereby the value of this time and the fundamental energies of the events.
The duality has come, whereby the good stems evil, whereby the good light-filled human Beings decisively confront evil and dark human Beings.

二元性  Duality


Is overcome whereby one ceases from it. Love and hate are two repulsing opposites and whoever decides for Love has repulsed hate, has rejected it and has removed it from his energy field. Thereby one does not deal with inner “transformation”; instead it is a clear decision not to allow hate.An entity, who no longer carries hate in oneself, can only protect oneself from the hate of second or third ones, whereby one rebuffs it decisively and as it is called for, to fight with all means for the purity of one's soul. Where there is nothing, nothing must be changed or be transformed. Therefore recognize the right allocations in this regard.

極性   Polarity


behaves differently and includes two complementary parts of the whole. Male and female are two opposing parts of a whole human Being, which are equal in value, and whoever has balanced these parts in self, lives in peace and is peace and is Love – enlightenment occurs.


Above and below, breathing in and breathing out, all are two sides, two poles of the whole, which cannot exist without each other and which a human Being cannot exist without; or if they are not balanced, a human Being lives in unrest; is incomplete.And it is part of the actual transformation that the different poles in a human Being will be balanced.


Therefore the dual world is to be viewed under different viewpoints than the polar reality. Meaning, these must be recognized as such and must be distinguished from the polar world, in order to leave the dual world based on a clear and unmistakable decision after that.
It is necessary to get hold of the dual world with consciousness and a fight, while the polar world is to be encountered with consciousness.


Once this is internalized and understood, much has been accomplished and much has happened. Today great energy fields of fear build up as well as great energy fields of Love out of God's oneness.


On a daily basis one needs to decide between these fields and to make one's decisions. For that it is necessary to look at the facts and events of this time. To look at it, without being engaged by the upheaval or to let oneself be devoured by it.


It is impossible to become aware whereby one part of life is blinded out.


The phenomena to deny the dark conditions of this matrix, is still widely distributed among the light warriors.

巨大的挑戰  The great Challenge


Is, to look at it, to recognize it exactly and to make the decision to set an end to the dark situations in your life and in your environment. Today this is the great challenge of all light warriors. The great challenge is, again and again to leave the meditation cushion and to apply attained insights in daily life.To letting the acquired courage become visible and to ignite the Light at the summit due to the acquired trust in God.All human Beings shine, because the degree of inner knowledge requires this; more and more human Beings are enabled to do this.

There, where you are, you are challenged and this is where your place of work is.


God wants you to be there, where you are, if it were otherwise, you would be somewhere else.


And there, where you are, it is necessary to make your daily contribution and to appropriately encounter your daily challenges.


Never long for a greater or a great task, as long as you do not master many daily challenges as a matter of course.


All begins in you. Everything. This is the point, which needs to be pointed to today, because more and more human Beings become tired of this world, because they believe erroneously that neither the worlds change or the inner enlightenment will happen.


The ABC of eternal life begins on this earth, whereby human Beings encounter the challenges of one's life in unconditional trust in God.


It is also an important step, so that the new earth becomes visible, to face the excesses of the old world and to recognize one's unique place and one's one of a kind assignment in this game. A human life is then filled with meaning and such a human Being performs his actions with full devotion.


It is our Light, which prevails over darkness and for it we must illuminate darkness, with truthfulness, decisiveness, and courage and with God of Love from the unity of All-That-Is.


With this God, the All-That-Is reality on our side, all Gods created by human Beings become meaningless and Love can flow to all human Beings. Before the exit from this matrix occurs, the given's of this matrix must be clearly recognized.


You must know where the wind comes from, in order to be prepared for the storm.
Therefore I ask you at the conclusion of this message to do two things for it:

1.)加強,深化與神的綁定    1.) Consolidate and deepen your bonds with God!

2.)為此刻的事件銳化你的視線   2.) Sharpen your sight for the events of this time!

說停止!   Say STOP!


Call the facts by name and say STOP! Recognize the interconnections and say STOP! And begin with it in your daily life. The clearer your personal relationships are, the easier your life becomes and Heaven can turn even greater assignments over to you.


Do not ask: „What is my assignment?“ Instead ask: „What do I h​​ave to do now, in this instance?“Then life unveils itself to you just on its own.Attain new consciousness, take in Heaven's energy and Light and know:
At this time you have entered the earth, in order to lead yourself and the world out of the imprisonment into the „promised land“, into the paradise of the unity of all Life, into the Light and into God's Love.

愛是道路,合一實現它  Love is the way and oneness fulfills it.

我在你們之中,我是人類永恆的兄弟  I am amongst you. I am the eternal Brother of Mankind.

摩西   MOSES

原文:http://lichtweltverlag.blogspot.co.at/search/label/NACHRICHTEN AUS DEM SEIN?updated-max=2015-08-15T01:48:00+02:00&max-results=20&start=1&by-date=false
通靈:Jahn J Kassl   翻譯:Nick Chan

