2015年8月21日 星期五

【Brenda Hoffman】8月17日《走出你的監獄》

親愛的一們  Dear Ones,


Many of you believeothers are leaders and you are a follower. Such can be noted in thepolitical arena, your job and your daily life. No one is yourleader. Even though you may choose to obtain or note expertise fromanother, they are an information source – not yourleader.


That thought leavesmany in a quandary. If you have no leaders and you feel as you didin 3D, who are your earth parents? Are you wise and/or strongenough to set out on your own?You are your leader. But how can that be ? You arenot a president, prime minister, chancellor or king.


What you have not yetgrasped is you no longer require a leader for leaders were createdto herd you into one thought, one action. And as those thoughtsshift, so will the attributes of the leaders you oncerequired.


How is it possible tomanage a country or earth with billions of leaders? Such is notyour issue. For if becoming a politician gives you joy, that isyour role. But if the political world makes you angry or upset,your joy, you being belongs elsewhere .


That is not to saythat all politicians or leaders will fall by the wayside. But thatthose of you finding joy in those arenas will fill those slots – ata different level. Instead of being selected by what yourconstituency wishes to hear and then shifting your policies to thatwhich most ensures your continued election, politicians/leaders oftomorrow will speak their truth both before and after beingselected. For it will not be possible to voice untruthfulwords.


If everyone has theability to communicate without words – and you do for that is partof your new skill set – you will know without being told if someoneis selecting a position in joy or fear.


The politicians oftoday are in constant fear, “If I say this, will I be re-elected orruin my party's chances? Why not accept graft? Why not wieldseemingly unlimited power?” All fear-based thoughts that consumetoday's leaders in so many layers of your society – including yourwork, religious and personal worlds.
But then, so much ofwhat you take for granted is based in fear – which you are removingpiece by piece.

對於你們那些在工作世界的人---更加私人的,比起你們大多數的政客或宗教領域---這樣的想法把恐懼放入你存在的每個部分。這是否意味著你應該告訴自己的經理或CEO他們最新的破壞性的理念是多麼地空洞?或者你應該自己開公司?或者你應該離開一個酬勞很高的工作在小資的工作或不工作中掙扎,直到你再次述說公司的話語?(speakcompany speak)

For those of you inthe work world – which is more personal than most of your politicalor religious realms – such thoughts put fear in every part of yourbeing. Does that mean you should tell your manager or CEO what ahollow concept their latest damaging idea is? Or that you shouldstart your own company? Or that you should leave a good paying jobto flounder in petty jobs or no job until you again speak companyspeak?


Those avenues and somany more are open to you. Follow your bliss. Knowing that othersare also feeling similar shifts – including your manager or CEO.You have had inklings of what is to come – companies shifting to amore inclusive or rewarding work place. Parental leave , matchingsalaries, open communication concepts and new office layouts. Yourfirst peek inside the new work-a-day world.


But if your workplace does not grasp that new world – or most definitely, new you,what are you to do? Yes, what ARE you to do?


You are your leader.You must speak your truth in whatever form that takes. Fromcontinuing to work at that company to starting your own.


You do not need toquestion your motives as you once did when you sorted your thoughtsthrough the societal lens that colored your opinions, actions andlife. You are free. The cell door of your societal prison isopen.


If you cannot yettake big steps to freedom, allow yourself to rest in your celldoorway by finding the beauty or joy in the place that feels likeprison. There will be a day when the ugliness of untruth is lessinviting than your joy, your truth. But for now, allow yourself tomove when it is right for you.


There is no need topicket earth society. Merely allow yourself to know that yourshifting feelings are part of your new being. And that many others– many, many more than you realize – are quietly joining you as youchafe at the rules that no longer apply personally , politically orreligiously. That the structures of the Old Age are crumblingrapidly and you are at the beginning of such happenings.


So do not fret iftomorrow your work, church or community feels distasteful. Such isto be expected with this type of societal earthquake. Yourpoliticians are already beginning to feel such is so. For they arenot noting the number of nodding heads they have come to expect asthey apply their personal fears on the populace. The church(spirituality) has found such is so for a longer period – and havestarted adapting accordingly.


The first stages ofany institutional/structural change will be trying to maintain thestatus quo with enough perks or changes to satisfy the naysayers,but not enough to destroy the institution. Such will not be enough.But then, institutions are taking the same baby steps outside theirprison as is true for many of you.


Which comes first,'the chicken or the egg'? Only you can determine that. You will doso in your time and in the way correct for you. Many of you willwish to wait until your company, church or politician shifts tobecome part of that wave. Others will need to step outside theirpersonal prison cell sooner. It is your choice. Know that yourchoice is right for earth and the Universes.


It is not possiblefor everyone to exit a company, community or political view atonce. For new structures are created by you as you evolve. We aremerely giving you a broad stroke of knowledge of why you areperhaps starting to feel uncomfortable in your structures – and whynothing is seems to be replacing those structures with somethingcomfortable for you.


Maybe you are acreator of one or more of those new structures. Or you will usethose new structures as a stepping stone to something bigger orgreater. Only you know deep within your being – information that isor soon will bubble to the surface.

什麼帶給你喜悅?那是你的指引。如果你無法在當前生活中找到喜悅,看向角落去創造喜悅,直到你感到需要去離開社會監獄。就是如此。阿門 !

What brings you joy?That is your guidance. And if you cannot find joy in your currentlife, look in the corners to create joy until you feel the need toleave your societal prison cell. So be it. Amen


