2016年5月10日 星期二



If you have a relationship in your life that is fraught with difficulty, stop and take a moment and examine your focus with that relationship. Are you focused on what doesn ' t work? Are you critical? Does past negativity taint the present moment?


You can diffuse the challenging energy in any situation by choosing a different vibrational level. That means showing up in your truth and alignment. That means consciously bringing an energy you prefer to the situation. That means actively choosing love, choosing appreciation, choosing encouragement, choosing positive focus. You have the power to change the old dance, to anchor a different vibration, to try something different.

就像把材料加到湯裡,你和別人之間的能量有獨特的融合,你有意識注入其中的改變有能力改變整體的味道。你無法控制別人丟入鍋中的東西,但你可以確保它對你來說更加地可口,通過貢獻你最好的材料。~ 大天使加百利

Much like adding ingredients to a soup, the energy between you and another is its own unique meld, and changing what you consciously infuse it with has the ability to change the flavour of the whole. You can' t control what anyone else throws in the pot but you can sure make it more palatable to you by contributing your finest ingredients. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wix4.html

