2016年5月15日 星期日


許多人依舊捲入需要“修正”他人之中。這是一種舊的愛之模式導致的--- 我比你知

Many human beings are still caught up in their need to “fix” another. This is brought on by an old model of love that says I know better than you. While it is presented as love and help, it can be very detrimental as the message behind it is, I don’t trust you to not mess things up. It disempowers others from connecting and finding their own innate capability and from having their own experiences without the fear of judgment.


When another gives advice, it is based on what would be best for them. No one but you knows your own unique path or the experiences you are wishing to have. While it is always good to consider other viewpoints, always do so from a place of deciding whether it matches your own truth. If it does, wonderful, proceed from there. If it does not, remember, you are the master of your own journey and no one is as qualified as you to lead yourself.

如果你犯錯了呢?親愛的,沒有錯誤,只有體驗。如果,你做出一個選擇,結果不與你的所是對齊,你會在下次選擇不同。如果你連接自己的神性,聆聽固有的知曉,你會繼續擴張,自我定義到更大的自我表達,在完全符合你的方式中。讓自己成為你人生體驗授權和有能力的領袖。你可以感謝別人照顧你,但無法代替跟隨你的真理和感覺正確的東西。~ 大天使加百利

What if you make a mistake? Dear Ones, there is no such thing as mistakes, only experiences. If, you make a choice and the result is not in line with who you really are, you will choose differently next time. If you are connecting with your own divinity and listening to your innate knowingness, you will continue to expand and self define into your greatest expression of self, in ways that perfectly match you. Allow yourself to be the empowered and capable leader of your own life expression! You can thank others for caring but there is no substitute for following your own truth and what feels right for you. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wja4.html

