2016年5月16日 星期一



You’ve got this. Connect with your inner knowingness. Find the clarity you need before you do anything. Go ahead and try if it feels right. Listen to your heart. What would bring you joy? What is the best expression of your truth?

這一切都是美麗的方式去鼓勵別人,在榮耀自身的自由意志並認識到自己神聖能力的方式中。這一切都是美麗的方式去鼓勵自己,在榮耀你的自由一直並認識到你神聖能力的方式中。~ 大天使加百利

All of these are beautiful ways to encourage others in a manner that honours their free will and acknowledges their divine capability. All of these are beautiful ways to encourage yourself in a manner that honours your free will and acknowledges your divine capability. ~Archangel Gabriel


翻譯:Nick Chan    http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102wjcf.html


The universe is always presenting you with ideas and opportunities. Think of the universe holding something up to you and asking, “This?” You, as the creator of your life expression, get to say yes, or to move on. You give your approval through your focus, choice, and appreciation.


Your life is much like a buffet. You will always have a myriad of options you can choose from. You get to decide what you put on your plate and what you leave behind. You certainly don’t have to stay there wailing, “Oh no, there’s tomatoes again! WHY does there have to be tomatoes every time I go to a buffet?!” They are there because some people like them, but it doesn’t mean they ever have to be part of your personal experience if you don’t want them to be.


The universe is not out to vex you, Dear Ones, or test you, or try you. The world is filled with enough options to satisfy the billions of souls on your planet. There is not something innately wrong with you that needs fixing if you keep drawing tomatoes into your experience. Feel free to move beyond whatever is not a match to you, but understand it is a blessing to live in such a diverse world that can serve everyone’s needs. ~Archangel Gabriel


