2016年5月29日 星期日


你現在在推遲 ​​什麼?你在不必要地否認什麼?人類有一個傾向推遲讓自己跟隨喜
悅,步入做出不同,或擁抱下一個宏偉的體驗。為什麼不有愛的決定做你總是想做的事,在本週?通過榮耀那些內在的渴望,你會再次愛上生活。~ 大天使加百利

What are you putting off in your life right now? What are you denying yourself unnecessarily? There is a tendency in humans to put off allowing yourself to follow the joy, step into making a difference, or embrace your next grand experience. Why not lovingly make the decision to do something you ' ve always wanted to do this weekend? It is by honouring those inner desires you will fall in love with life all over again. ~Archangel Gabriel


你內 ​​在有著一個固有的知曉,會引領你到達最符合你的道路。你所需要做的就是平靜自己,意圖去與內在的智慧連接。如果你這麼做,你總是會發現最好的道路去進行,從那代表你真理的深度知曉中。可以考慮別人的建議,但記住,他們只能基於對他們適合的來建議。你內 ​​在的指引總是知道獨特的完美方向--- 會榮耀你和你希望體驗的,為了你的成長與進化。~ 大天使加百利

There is an innate knowingness inside of you, always, that will lead you in the way that best matches you. All you must do is still yourself and intend to connect with that inner wisdom. If you do that, you will always discover the best way to proceed from the deep knowingness that represents your truth. Feel free to consider the advice of others but remember, they can only advise based on what would be best for them. Your inner guide always knows the uniquely perfect direction to take that will honour you and what you wish to experience for your own growth and evolution. ~Archangel Gabriel


