2014年10月28日 星期二


摯愛的人們 :  Beloved Ones,


Lightworkers around the world are holding and anchoringthe Light like never before! Each person is endeavoring to nurturethemselves each day by doing kindnesses unto themselves, littlerewards that make them feel acknowledged and seen. You are alllearning that self love is a necessity in order to move forward onyour spiritual path. Love of self is a vital component in one'soverall spiritual development and it keeps a person in balance andin harmony, both within themselves and in the world around them. Asthe distractions of the outer world continue to bombard the senses,this practice keeps one steady and grounded. Never forget howwonderful you are and that you are deserving of all the good in theworld.


Mostof you have been receiving more downloads from the cosmos and thiswill require the usual integration and assimilation. There is morefocus now on moving forward by contemplating that which brings youjoy and that which brings out your passion. Much of this has beencontemplated upon for many months and now it shall become mucheasier to implement. Through your alchem​​ical work you have beenlearning how to wield your power in loving and constructive waysand this will only improve in the days ahead. You will feel arenewed sense of peace, joy, and creativity and for the wonders oflife here on Earth. You will be putting your skills, wisdom andknowledge to good use in ways that expand the possibilities in yourlives.


Youhave all been letting go of past regrets, sorrows and patternswhich are no longer useful on your spiritual journey. Some of thesehave been deeply ingrained in your subconscious and these newenergy downloads are allowing the final release, bringing a senseof renewal and of new beginnings. Life is always changing andunfolding in alignment with the higher will of your soul.Everything that you experience is designed to help you expand yourawareness in order that you can embrace greater levels of love andwisdom. Every experience you have had, has lead you to become thewise, loving and compassionate person that you are in this momentof now. It was and is all good, for it is now the time for positivetransformation and for profound changes to occur.


Youall have the ability to materialize your dreams, both for yourpersonal world and for the greater world around you. You are askedto believe in yourselves, to have confidence and not let anythingstand in your way. See every experience as a learning experienceand that each one adds to your mastery of self. There are excitingnew pathways opening for you and it is your time now to shine. Thisrequires an open heart so that you will see the unlimited potentialthat resides within you. All that you would love to create,manifest and achieve is now within the realm of possibility; allthat is required is to remain true to yourself and trust that yourideas and inspirations are divinely guided.


Youhave the ability to mentally and emotionally rise above all thatyou encounter in life. From a spiritual perspective, there are nomistakes in life. By accepting all of who you are, exactly as youare, you will see your life magically and wonderfully transform indivine synchronicity and order. The strength and commitment youhave shown for so long will serve you well. Continue to listen tothe guidance which comes from your own soul. By focusing on yourgoals with determination, skill and steadfastness, you will reachthem. You are truly becoming the clearest and brightest light thatyou can be. Appreciate all that you have already manifested intoyour life. You are on the right track, and all will work outwell.

Untilnext week…  I AM Hilarion

譯者 U2覺醒   http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_b9a886d70102v1d7.html

