2014年10月22日 星期三

【麥基洗德】 20141019 《驚訝自己》


With every era, including this modern, high tech,exploded with information era, there are great pressures one mustnot only experience but overcome. Some of these pressures might betime-stamped work-related projects, getting through your trafficcorridors, raising children, or just from being too busy, andunable to fit all that you want to do in one single day. ​​Stress hasbecome a common malady, a kind of sickness that effects thewell-being of your mental and emotional faculties and if leftuncontrolled or unmanaged can seep into your physical body causinggreat harm.


Nowif you live in a region where you experience winter with snow andlots of overcast conditions then your mood can become moredeteriorated. It is important dear ones, when you look afteryourself, you include looking after your mental and emotionalstates. To find ways that help you de -stress that are beneficial toyour overall self and health. As you already know, stress can bethe cause of many life-threatening illnesses; therefore making itcrucial that you curb its approach as soon as you can.


The pressures from this modern lifestyle often doesn'tbecome apparent right away. You are so busy trying to get so muchdone in one day, combining home and work and all else that you arecommitted to. It is essential to the well-being of all that you areto find time to breathe, to relax and ground yourself with theEarth's energies. A few minutes a day is not a lot to ask, whenstress, if left to run rampant can cause so much harm that caneasily effect those that are closest to you.


When feeling the pressure of a busy day; possibly youwere being scolded by your employer, or ran late at everything andyou are feeling quite frazzled: How easy is it for you to snap at aloved one? It is during moments of frustration that things get saidout of context, actions are done that cannot be erased. It is evenmore important to get a handle on your emotions and feelings afterexperiencing a rough day before interacting with others, regardlessif they are friends, family members or strangers.


Stress and pressures from life enter when things begin tofeel out-of-control of any situation; where your focus is no longeron the task at hand, you begin to worry about the time, and otherthings that you have absolutely no control over. Many times stresscomes into play when you have accepted too big of a work load. Itis important to prioritize what you have to do, what needs to getdone by what is most important. Then work on those things one at atime. If possible ask another colleague to help with some of thesmaller tasks. If your stress and pressures is because of afriend's behaviour, remember you cannot change them. You canencourage them, advise them but it is they, themselves that musttake the appropriate action to bring in certain changes that willinfluence their life for the better. You are responsible foryou.


Howyou interact with the world is important. Your thoughts, yourfeelings, your emotions, your intentions, even your words andactions all carry energy and you are responsible for each; to comeacross kindly, with respect and compassion towards others, even ifyou don't quite understand what is being said, or if you have acompletely different opinion. It is important to learn how tointeract tactfully with others and not force your opinion. A forcedopinion doesn't ever come from the heart, it comes from the ego andwe encourage your interactions to be heart and love based and fromdoing so, the pressures from some of your interactions woulddefinitely decrease. Being happy is always about being right.Remember dear ones, Love is always the way.


When disgr​​untled with life, you may sometimes refer topast situations and situations that only add to your pressure andstress. The past is gone and tomorrow is not yet here, nor is itpromised. What is a sure thing is the present. Every day,regardless if it's filled to the nines with pressures has somethingto rejoice in, to be positive about…focus on the present, be in thepresent and make the most of the opportunities presented to you andbecome open to other possibilities that feel good from the heart.You are here in the Now moment. You are not living in the past andyou are not yet living in the future no matter how hard youenvision it. So root yourself here dear ones, embrace what youalready have and let go what you don't.


With modern times, comes high tech gadgets and toys.Wherever you go you see cellular phones that look as if they are apermanent fixture to the person using them, all you seem to seewhen walking from one place to another is people's heads downbecause they are too busy texting instead of being aware of lifethat flowing all around them. With all the connecting going onthrough these gadgets there is a disconnection going on from livingnaturally and from observing the wonders of life.


To help eliminate stress and pressure, it is important tolimit yourself to how much time you spend on your computers,cellular phones, tablets and so forth. You will find morerejuvenation found from giving yourself a few minutes each day insolitude, where there are no rings or beeps because you have turnedeverything off; you are enjoying the silence and absorbing thepeaceful energy into every cell and particle that makes you, you.Even if a thought comes into your head during moments of solitudeyou allow it to keep moving, you don't address it. Meditationoffers a perfect way to shut everything off for a few moments thatis healing and extremely beneficial to your mind, body, heart andspirit.


When you have your cup of tea or coffee at the start orat the end of your day, when you are at your own home, turn yourmind off. Stop the need to plan ahead and just be. Be in thatmoment, enjoying the texture and flavour of what you are drinking.If you are eating, become aware of the food, its flavour and aroma.Light a candle or some incense that is based with essential oilsthat are soothi​​ng such as lavender, vanilla or wood scent like pineor a fragrance that you enjoy that you can relax with. Allow theirscent to calm you, breathe them in and allow your total self tobecome relaxed. There are other ways you can implement in yourmorning or evening besides aromatherapy techniques and we arepositive you will find what resonates with you the best .

為了更好地應付來自壓力的行為,去意識到你的想法,理解它們如何影響你的行為以及很多次你的話語很重要。探索客觀的模式和特定的順序,導致你行為不當的,從你的發現中學習。確定你是否對任何的失敗和錯誤評判,無論它們是最近的還是過去幾年的,你的想法在你開始之前是否就已經判決了你​​死亡。只有你可以改變你對任何東西的想法。變得更加積極,通過創造反應一個積極的自我價值的想法並自信地傳遞,當你與他人交互,這有助於你應付生活的壓力,尤其當它開始感到沉重時(在你的肩膀上) 。

In becoming better at handling the behaviour that resultsfrom stress, it is vital to become aware of your thoughts,understanding how they influence what you do, and many times whatyou say. Explore objectively patterns and certain sequences thathave led to you behaving inappropriately and learn from what youdiscover. Determine if you are judge andjury to any failures and mistakes, regardless if they are of therecent past or from years ago and if your thoughts are dooming youbefore you even begin. Only you can change how you think towardsanything. Becoming more positive in mind, by creating thoughts thatreflect a positive self-worth and confidently conveying this whenyou interact with others will help you cope with the pressures oflife, especially when it begins to feel like a heavy pressurelaying on your shoulders.


Wehave witnessed many dear souls keep what they may call a stressjournal or diary, a book where they list their triggers, how theymay have reacted and what measures they took to remedy thesituation. Having such a journal can, after some time, reveal toyou what raises your stress levels; is it being around certainpeople, the time of day, are you hungry, how is the weather andhome life: knowing what your triggers are can help minimize yourreactive responses. You do have the ability and power dear ones toimprove any situation by becoming more mindful of your own Self.Remember you cannot change anyone's behaviour, and sometimes youhave no control of what is occurring, but what you can change isyou and how you react to life and its many pressures andstresses.


Above all else dear ones, have faith in yourself. Yourspirit and tenacity is your greatest strength. When life throws youa sudden curve ball and you fall down, get back up, observe anddiscover new ways of getting something done that are effective,productive and positive . It is from the most difficult ofchallenges that you grow the most, it is where you gain the mostknowledge and develop so much wisdom from. Believe in yourself. Digyour heals in and persevere the rough patches with heart andspirit. You just might surprise yourself at how amazing you can be,if you give yourself a chance.

我是麥基洗德   IAM Melchizedek

通靈:Julie Miller  翻譯:Nick Chan 

