2014年10月7日 星期二



For many of you, theact of surrender takes tremendous courage. That is because youdon't quite trust it and fear the unknown. You think it may bebetter but you are also afraid that it may mean careening aboutwildly. When you truly understand the act of surrendering into theflow, and know that it can only take you to a better place, youwill see there is nothing to fear.


Surrendering ischoosing to enter the flow of unconditional love. It is droppingyour resistance and allowing yourself to be carried, guided, lovedand supported beyond all your old blockages to your highestoutcome. Does it take courage to receive a hug from a trusted lovedone? Of course not ! It is welcomed and feels exquisite!


Surrendering issubmitting to the wisest, most caring, accepting Source ofassistance you have to love and guide you to your highest good.When you understand that your surrender is what activates all thehelp you've been looking for, you will see it is nothing to befeared , and something to be embraced. Let your faith dispel yourfear, and and surrender to all the wonder and magic the flow has tooffer you. ~Archangel Gabriel

